SAP BKPF_ADD Table Fields Here is the details of each fields in thisSAP table. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in BKPF_ADD table. MANDT: Client Its a key field. Its data type is CLNT (Character with length 3) with field length 3 ...
sap中的数据源以及BKPF and BSEG 要解释这个问题,要先说一下会计凭证对于数据表的问题。平时过账时,真实数据其实是存储在BKPF和BSEG表中的。当然,这些数据会额外的写入BSIS,BSAS,BSAD,BSAK,BSIM和BSIP几个表中(这几个表又被称为secondary index table)。这个额外写入这几个表的动作的目的是可...
1,614 SAP Managed Tags: SAP NetWeaver Application Server 我在sap中使用SQVI定制查询时,发现有如下四种数据源: Table, Table Join, Logical Database and SAP Query InfoSet. 还有两个表: BKPF and BSEG. 不太理解,有知道的请解释下,或者给个链接吧。谢谢了。Know...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi My report having poor performance with BKPF table.For that i am looking for alternative table of BKPF, at the same time which should contain STBLG(Reverse document number) field. i tried for BSID but it does not contain the STBLG field. Can some on...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, I am using the BADI BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01 to add a custom field in MIRO transaction. The added custom field is getting updated in RBKP transaction. I also want to update the custom field data in BKPF table, but i dont know when the BKPF tab...
Table: VICNCN Point out: BUKRS (Company Code) and RECNTYPE(Contract Type) Output Key: INTRENO (RE Key). Then move to the cash flow tables. Tables: VICDCFPAY (Payment-Related Cash Flow), VICDCFOBJ (Object-Related Cash Flow);
Table: VICNCN Point out: BUKRS (Company Code) and RECNTYPE(Contract Type) Output Key: INTRENO (RE Key). Then move to the cash flow tables. Tables: VICDCFPAY (Payment-Related Cash Flow), VICDCFOBJ (Object-Related Cash Flow);
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear Experts, How to fill BKPF custom fields through BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST? I've done the following things: - Append structure to BKPF table - Append structure to ACCHD structure - Fill Extension2 BAPIPAREX structure to fill the extension fields and pass...
Then move to the document tables. Table: VIRADOC Point out: DOCGUID (GUID: RE Doc.) Output Key: (DOCGUID, PROCESSGUID - used by VIRADOCITEM), REFDOCID used by BKPF-AWKEY, PROCESSID used by BKPF-XBLNR Table: BKPF Point out: AWKEY (Reference Key), BUKRS (Company Code), GJAHR (...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi all, i have a report with performance issue. the most time consuming select query is on BKPF table. the selection screen accepts company code(bukrs) and fiscal year (gjahr). but the primary key consists of document number(belnr) as well... since do...