I don't find any BKPF fields key (BUKRS, BELNR and GJAHR) Reply anuj_srivastava Active Participant In response to anuj_srivastava 2010 May 25 7:46 AM 0 Kudos 1,044 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, The function module can be used in the following method. T_AWORG-...
How to fill BKPF custom fields through BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST? I've done the following things: - Append structure to BKPF table - Append structure to ACCHD structure - Fill Extension2 BAPIPAREX structure to fill the extension fields and pass to BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST - create ACC_DOCUMENT ...
我需要从表BKPF和BSEG压缩在一个表中的一些数据。例如,假设最后一个表必须如下所示:|===|===|==SELECT DMBTR INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF LS_BSEG FOR ALL ENTRIES I 浏览2提问于2014-06-03得票数 3 回答已采纳 1回答 Scala期货-如何在完成时
Closing the question. To solve the issue and have the ZZ fields go through the enhanced BADI, customer-own ZZ* field is also needed in structure P_ACC of function group FACI as the data transport is IT_ACCHD -> T_ACCHD -> ACCHD_FI -> P_ACC -> BKPF. But include LFACIGEN, in ...
2、查找增强查找增强点,相信大家都有很多很多办法找到。以至于我在这里都不知道该说用哪种方法查找,所以最终找到了MM06E005,看文本描述(Customer fields in purchasing document),看样子就是这个了。matinal3、录入事务我们来看一下此用 abap vf01 屏幕增强
within BKPF the fields CPU-Date and CPU-time are filled according to the following logic: date and time entering (not saving) the document in the users local time zone. This means in case the user is assigned to a time zone of maybe India, the user's local time will be saved in BKP...
SAP BKPF_ADD Table Fields Here is the details of each fields in thisSAP table. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in BKPF_ADD table. MANDT: Client Its a key field. Its data type is CLNT (Character with length 3) with field length 3 ...
2.- Note 215798 - FBL*N: Special fields are not displayed https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/215798 use the search button of the forums and you´ll find more information. Best regards. Edited by: Pablo Casamayor on Jun 25, 2010 1:20 PM Reply All...
Solved: hi all, i have a report with performance issue. the most time consuming select query is on BKPF table. the selection screen accepts company code(bukrs) and
The kinds of Aluminum Foil Containers produced by SilverEngineer ® Automation Equipment are widely used in the Baking Containers, Cooking Containers, Oven Containers, refrigerated containers, takeaway containers, laboratory containers and other packaging fields, with a ...