SAP查询- BSEG和BKPF 是SAP系统中的两个重要的表格,用于存储财务会计相关的数据。 BSEG表: 概念:BSEG表是SAP系统中的一个重要的财务会计表,用于存储会计凭证的行项目数据。 分类:BSEG表属于SAP系统的财务会计模块。 优势:BSEG表的设计结构合理,能够存储详细的会计凭证行项目数据,包括借方金额、贷方金额、会计科目、...
平时过账时,真实数据其实是存储在BKPF和BSEG表中的。当然,这些数据会额外的写入BSIS,BSAS,BSAD,BSAK,BSIM和BSIP几个表中(这几个表又被称为secondary index table)。这个额外写入这几个表的动作的目的是可以让某些程序(比如显示行项目的报表——FBL1N,FBL3N,FBL5N等等)在读取数据的时候更有...
Output Key: (BUKRS, BELNR, GJAHR - used by BSEG), (AWKEY, GJAHR) used by COBK Table: COBK Point out: REFBN (first 10 char of AWKEY) and AWORG (last 10 char of AWKEY), KOKRS (CO Area), GJAHR (Fiscal Year) Output Key: (KOKRS, BELNR - used by COEP); If You review t...
RECN 和财务(BKPF/BSEG)的关联关系 In general to find out more, run transaction ST05 (Performance Trace) before the process (e.g. real posting in RERAPP) and read the (insert) statements. How to switch between tables for posted doc. if You select type of contract before:...
RECN 和财务(BKPF/BSEG)的关联关系 In general to find out more, run transaction ST05 (Performance Trace) before the process (e.g. real posting in RERAPP) and read the (insert) statements. How to switch between tables for posted doc. if You select type of contract before:...
Solved: Hello gurus, I am using bseg,bsid,bsad,bkpf table in customer ledger without any inner join only using simple select statemnet , but my report get very slow
至于Table BKPF中记录着Accounting document的Header data,table BSEG中记录着Accounting document中item的信息。PS:BSEG在Query中只能做为basic table,不能被其他表连接! 关于Query的使用技巧,可以参见我的Blog 希望能帮助你! Tao You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, ...
P & L Statement Account Type (GVTYP) From Accounting Document Segment (BSEG) Into I_BSEG Where BSEG-BUKRS = I_VBAK-BUKRS BSEG-VBELN = I_VBAK-VBEL2 BSEG-POSN2 = I_VBAP-POSNR BSEG-BELNR = I_BKPF-BELNR P & L Statement Account Type (GVTYP) = ‘X’Reply...
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