REV. 0 Texas Instruments CC2400RSUR 756Kb / 84P [Old version datasheet] 2.4 GHz Low-Power RF Transceiver NXP Semiconductors MCR20AVHM 636Kb / 39P Low power, high-performance 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 compliant transceiver with connectivity Rev. 3.2, 07/2016 More results ...
BK2425 Datasheet v1.3 BK2425 Low Power High Performance 2.4 GHz GFSK Transceiver Features Pin Assignments ? 2400-2483.5 MHz ISM band operation ? Support 250Kbps, 1Mbps and 2 Mbps air data rate ? Programmable output power ? Low power consumption ? Tolerate +/- 60ppm 16 MHz crystal ?
BK2425 Revision1.0Copyright©2013BekenCorporation Jan,2013Page1of30 LowPowerHighPerformance2.4GHzGFSKTransceiver Features 2400-2483.5MHzISMbandoperation Support250Kbps,1Mbpsand2Mbpsair datarate Programmableoutputpower Lowpowerconsumption Tolerate+/-60ppm16MHzcrystal Variablepayloadlengthfrom1to32bytes ...
RX_DR-Receive Data Ready SCK-SPI Clock SPI-Serial Peripheral Interface TDD-Time Division Duplex TX...
文件大小1759.86 Kbytes 页30 Pages 制造商ETC2 [List of Unclassifed Manufacturers] 网页 标志 功能描述LowPowerHighPerformance2.4GHzGFSKTransceiver 类似零件编号 - BK2425 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 List of Unclassifed Man...BK2461 2Mb/97PMCURF
BK2425是一种全球范围内运行于2400-2483.5兆赫的ISM频段的GFSK收发器。突发模式传输和高达2Mbps的空中数据速率使得它们适合于需要超低功耗。嵌入式数据包处理引擎通过用个非常简单的单片机作为无线电系统。自动重传和自动确认连接可靠,不受单片机干扰BK2425特性:2400-2483.5 mhz ism波段操作支持250 Kbps,1 Mbps和2 Mbps...
convenience; it's also about security. It supports the Trusted Platform Module 2.0, ensuring that your data is protected and your devices are secure. The module's small size belies its robust performance, delivering high-speed digital transmission that is essential for reliable wireless applications...
BK2425参考代码 游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复 一牛蓝牙技术QQ群:462139862 蓝牙方案及技术咨询...
REV. 0 Texas Instruments CC2400RSUR 756Kb / 84P [Old version datasheet] 2.4 GHz Low-Power RF Transceiver NXP Semiconductors MCR20AVHM 636Kb / 39P Low power, high-performance 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 compliant transceiver with connectivity Rev. 3.2, 07/2016 More results ...