The value of testing BK virus (BKV) DNA in blood versus urine cytology in renal transplant patientsIn Part II of this paper we describe testing of the ethernet system we designed in Part I 1, which requires such communication protocols as ARP and ICMP. As an application we present a new ...
BK Virus (BK Virus, BKV) Probe Fluorescence Quantitative PCR Kit 产品及特点: BK 病毒(BK Virus、BKV)是在一位肾移 植后出现肾功能衰 竭伴输尿管窄患者的尿液样本中 分离得到的一种新型的病毒,随着器官移 植术的广泛开展及 免疫抑 制剂的使用,BK 感染已成为肾 脏移植后功能丧失及骨髓 移 植后急性肾功...
BK病毒在血液中持续高载量表达,进一步破坏移植肾组织导致肾小管萎缩和间质纤维化,最终形成BK病毒相关性肾病(BK virus-associated nephropathy,BKVN)。 肾移植术后BK病毒感染可分为3个不同时期。在免疫抑制状态下,潜伏在尿路上皮和肾小管上皮中的BK病毒开始高水平复制,大量复制的病毒颗粒从尿路中排泄,尿液样本中可...
四川大学生命科学学院,成都 610064; 2. 成都蓉生药业有限责任公司,成都 61004 1) 摘要:将 BK 病毒( BK polyomavirus. BKV )的结构蛋白 VPl 通过重组杆状病毒在昆虫 细胞中表达,并自发装配成 BKV 病毒样颗粒(BK virus-like particles. BK-VLPs) .以 BK VLPs 作为包被抗原建立了间接酶联免疫吸附试验(...
BK virus (BKV) is a significant cause of nephropathy in kidney transplantation. The goal of this study was to characterize the course and source of BKV in kidney transplant recipients. METHODS. We prospectively collected pretransplant plasma and urine samples from living and deceased kidney donors ...
BK virus were divided into HC group and non -HC group according to occurrence of HC.BK viral load were compared in two groups .Urine BK viral load were analyzed after logarithmic transformation.Data that conforms to a normal distribution is expressed as mean ± standard deviation.t test, ...
After renal transplantation, the prevalence of BK virus (BKV) viruria, viremia, and nephritis (BKVAN) has been estimated at 30%, 13%, and 8%, respectively. Patients and Methods The aim of this prospective study was to assess the occurrence of BKV DNAemia during the first year after renal...
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BK Virus、BKV 产品及特点: 荧光定量PCR所使用的荧光化学可分为两种:荧光探针和荧光染料。而荧光定量 PCR 的方法相应的可分为特异类和非特异类两类,特异性检测方法是在PCR反应中利用标记荧光染料的基因特异寡核苷酸探针来检测产物;而非特异性检测方法是在在PCR反应体系中,加入过量荧光染料,荧光染料特异性地掺入DN...
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