Referring to remarks voiced by Raja Singh, a BJP official and member of the state legislative assembly of the Indian state of Telangana, the Foreign Office said he had gravely hurt the feelings of the people of Pakistan and billions of Muslims around the world. “The token and perfunctory dis...
and it has no ideology to motivate it. A BJP leader or worker does not have a future outside the party, as Keshubhai Patel, Uma Bharti and Kalyan Singh learnt. For a congressman, the INC is one of the many career options. There is no reason the party will stay together...
"Don’t visit mosques during Sabarimala pilgrimage"- BJP MLA Raja Singh tells Ayyappa devotees Nuclear scientist Dr Rajagopala Chidambaram passes away 119th US Congress welcomes record number of Hindu lawmakers 38 flights cancelled, 170 delayed in Delhi as dense fog reduces visibility ...
John Brittas started his interview by appreciating Kapil Sibal,the senior Congress leader for his speech on CAA in the Rajyasabha where he said ” Those who do not have any idea of India cannot protect India”. When asked more about it, Sibal replies that the BJP has never worked for the...
Bharathiya Janatha Party’s Janarakshayatra got warm reception at Vatakara in Kozhikode district, today. BJP Kerala chief Kummanam Rajasekharan alleged that Pinarayi government in Kerala is compromising with terrorists, by pointing out the state government’s refusal to National Investigation probe in ...