Of course, nothing lasts forever and reforms seeking to erode caste’s importance would arise within Hinduism and without. The Bhakti movement flowing from Tamil Nadu would be a centerpiece in the erosion of caste discrimination. Pointing to the central and simple Vedic notion of the Ātman or ...
When BJP is highlighting corruption-free governance in the center ,this revelation is a set back to the party. Party’s state general secretary MT Ramesh’s FB post says that he is unable to recommend for even starting a nursery.”Then , how can I involve in getting sanction a...
In Jammu and Kashmir, which held its first provincial poll in a decade and the first since it was split into two federally administered territories in 2019, the Congress-NC alliance was ahead in 49 seats while BJP was leading in 27. A win in Haryana would be a boost for BJP after it ...
Night Curfew to come into effect from today in Tamil Nadu,Telangana, Kerala and Puducherry Kochuveli-Mangalore bi-weekly Antyodaya Reserved Special What happened in Vattiyyoorkavu?UDF Chief Election agent reveals Dr. Boby Chemmannur is the Peace Ambassador,SNWRPC Kozhikode records 1271;five ...
Current scenario in India “Nothing is permanent. What goes up must come down. All that the people have to do is not to lose confidence. He believes this to be a transient phase that the country hast to go to. Together we can fight it. ...