biyuantongqiaokeli 鼻渊通窍颗粒鼻渊通窍颗粒组成辛夷 20克 麻黄 40克 薄荷 20克 黄芩 40克 野菊花 40克 地黄 60克 茯苓 80克 苍耳子 60克(炒) 白芷 60克 藁本 10克 连翘 40克 天花粉 40克 丹参 40克 甘草 10克 鼻渊通窍颗粒的功效与作用...
5) Bi yuan tong 鼻渊通 1. Clinical Observation on the Theraputic Effects of the Bi yuan tong on the Chronic Sinusitis in Children; 鼻渊通治疗儿童慢性鼻窦炎临床疗效观察 更多例句>> 6) Tongqiaobiyan Tablet 通窍鼻炎片 1. Determination of Imperatorin in Tongqiaobiyan Tablet by RP-HPLC; ...
The analysis results show that compared with the control group, Biyuan Tongqiao Granule has an excellent curative effect on children with chronic sinusitis and has a lower incidence of adverse reactions. The GRADE evidence level indicated that the sinus ...
与严肃有序原建筑统一对比引入俏皮个性的幼儿园设计 该幼儿园设计是查尔斯顿 Chabad 快速发展的艺术幼儿园的扩建项目。在原有建筑完工并开始招生后不久,该项目很快就超出了原定的两间教室。领导层希望将学校的学生人数增加一倍,同时保持场地的独特性。遗憾的是,由于现有建筑占地面积达 11,000 平方英尺,加上该项目对停...
A-Li Luo;Hao-Tong Zhang;Yong-Heng Zhao;Gang Zhao;Xiang-Qun Cui;Guo-Ping Li;Yao-Quan Chu;Jian-Rong Shi;Gang Wang;Jian-Nan Zhang;Zhong-Rui Bai;Xiao-Yan Chen;Feng-Fei Wang;Yan-Xin Guo;Jian-Jun Chen;Bing Du;Xiao Kong;Ya-Juan Lei;Yin-Bi Li;Yi-Han Song;Yue Wu;Yan-Xia;Zhang...
Biyuan Tongqiao GranuleChronic sinusitisRandomized controlled trialMeta-analysis[Objectives]To make an evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Biyuan Tongqiao Granule in the treatment of chronic sinusitis in children,and provide evidence-based medical reference for clinical use.[Methods]Databases such...
Retracted: Treatment and Impacts of Chronic Sinusitis with the Confluence of Biyuan Tongqiao Granules and Saline Nasal Irrigationdoi:10.1155/2023/9839602Journal of Healthcare EngineeringJournal of Healthcare Engineering