Consider using a cash calendar to visually map out your pay dates and when bills are due. This will provide a clear overview of your financial obligations and allow you to plan ahead for upcoming expenses. Additionally, factor in your bi-weekly savings goals. If you have specific financial ta...
Dec.19 - Jan.3 New Year's Holiday 新年假期 Dates may change. Please refer to the latest notice 以上日期可能会根据实际情况变动, 请参考学校最新的通知 Want to learn more about all the exciting events going on at CISK over the last fortnight? Read on and find ...
It automatically puts recurring salary into my every two week budget multiple times and will not let me alter the dates. No help button or help for fixes like this. No one to contact for help. Wasted so much time trying to make it work and it just won’t. PLUS, I added my bank ...