然而,在使用Bitwarden的过程中,有些用户可能会遇到’Cannot read properties of null’的错误。这个错误通常意味着你的代码试图访问一个空(null)对象的属性。 错误原因 Bitwarden报这个错误,可能是因为你在访问一个未被初始化或者已经被设为null的对象的属性。可能的原因包括但不限于: 数据库查询问题:如果Bitwarden试图...
在使用Bitwarden的过程中,遇到“Cannot read properties of ‘null’”的错误信息,通常表示在尝试访问一个空值(null)的属性时出现了问题。这可能是由于配置错误、环境问题或代码逻辑错误导致的。要解决这个问题,您可以尝试以下几个步骤: 检查配置文件:首先,请确保您的Bitwarden配置文件中的设置是正确的。检查配置文件中...
方法一: 升级服务端为最新版vaultwarden 方法二: 修改nginx增加以下字段 location=/identity/accounts/prelogin{rewrite^/identity/accounts/prelogin$/api/accounts/prelogin;proxy_passhttp://api:5000/;} 参考:Cannot read properties of null (reading 'iterations') · Issue #4895 · bitwarden/clients...
其次,若升级服务端后问题依旧,尝试在nginx配置中加入特定字段,具体方法可参考相关技术论坛或问题追踪页面。在遇到“cannot read properties of null(reading iterations)”报错时,这通常与客户端和服务器间的通信不一致有关。通过调整nginx配置,可能解决版本间兼容性问题,从而修复登录失败现象。综上所述...
Steps To Reproduce Issue An error has occurred Cannot read properties of null (reading 'iterations') Docker Self-Hosted Environment Image: bitwardenrs/server:latest Version 2.25.1 The Extention login on any new Windows devices doesn't wo...
Error message "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'iterations')" appears, the client doesn't allow to log in. Expected Result I would expect to be able to log into the Bitwarden desktop client Actual Result I'm not able to login into the Bitwarden desktop client ...
Hi, I am on macOS (x86) and did install the CLI with homebrew. Everything ran flawlessly for some years but now I always get an exception when I try to search for something: bw list items --search google /usr/local/Ce…
服务端:Bitwarden_RS 1.14.2-08077833(很老的版本) 客户端:2022.10.1正常,之后的版本有如下报错:cannot read properties of null(re… CDN场景下配置Vaultwarden启用fail2ban Alliot 爱折腾的资深BUG制造者;代码写的很烂很烂的脚本小子;物联网爱好者粉丝; ...
Bitwarden Passkey I tried to implement passkeys with Bitwarden, but I am getting an error during the last step of the setup. I have added Bitwarden's AAGUID (d548826e-79b4-db40-a3d8-11116f7e8349) to the allow list in ... Kiril...
I use Bitwarden as a password manager, and have configured Yubikey as a two-factor authentication method with it. For some reason, when I log in to the...