Meaning:bitterness, harshness, hence met: an embittered (resentful) spirit. Word Origin:Derived from the Greek word πικρός (pikros), meaning "bitter." Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries:The Hebrew equivalent often associated with bitterness is מָרוֹר (maror), Strong'...
remarks"ortheactionsof"bitterenemies."Wesay "hefoughttothebitterend",meaningastrugglein thelastextremity. ThebiblicalGreekwordsforbitternessare PIKROS="bitter"andPIKRIA="bitterness",and otherderivatives.PIKROSoriginallymeant "sharp",or"pointed".Thenitwasusedmore generallyforanythingthatwaspenetratingtothe...
Lewis writes, To forgive the incessant provocations of daily life-to keep on forgiving the bossy mother-in-law, the bullying husband, the nagging wife, the selfish daughter, the deceitful son-how can we do it? Only, I think, by remembering where we stand, by meaning our words when we ...
Ephesians 4:31-32 Meaning and Commentary INTRODUCTION TO EPHESIANS 4 The apostle having in the three former chapters treated of the doctrines of grace, and explained and established them, proceeds in the three following to exhort to the duties of religion; and in this advises to a becoming con...