Now it is the summer of 2023. Her house had burned down 18 months earlier. She still hasn’t written the story about the shoe. The night before the fire, she had a dream she was at a beautiful outside gathering with friends and family from her past and present. The lawn was lush,...
Continue reading “Nature’s Candy” → November 7, 2022 Hannah (BitterSweet)2 Comments Chickens Coming Home to Roost As a summer-lover, sun-worshiper, and heat-seeker, I never thought I’d be so grateful to say goodbye. I’ve also never experienced a year with nearly 70 days at ...
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We’re grateful for the chance to tell these stories and ever thankful for all of you who make them possible. We hope you enjoy rereading some of our favorite stories (and maybe seeing one or two of your favorites on this list) or discovering some you may have missed. ...
” The cover image he’s talking about is a Southern Gothic cartoon of a big-haired woman clutching a beer and getting felt up by a guy in boots and a backward ballcap on the hood of a beater. “All my favorite stuff usually starts with something that was scary to me at one point...
“He’s the only one that fixes the recipe,” his wife and business partner Dollye Ingram-Matthews told an interviewer with the Southern Foodways Alliance. “I can just tell you parts of it are probably made from pepper bomb spray.” ...