// bitset_to_ulong.cpp // compile with: /EHsc #include <bitset> #include <iostream> int main( ) { using namespace std; bitset<5> b1 ( 7 ); cout << "The ordered set of bits in the bitset<5> b1( 7 )" << "\n that was generated by the number 7 is: ( " << b1 << "...
②按unsigned int格式转换存入时,如过大溢出则会保留低位(如62则会保留低5位,即11110,30) ③按字符串格式存入时,如溢出则会对字符串剩余部分进行截断 1strings ="1010";2bitset <5> b1;//默认为全03bitset <5> b2(10);//将unsigned int值转换为二进制数,再进行存储4bitset <5> b3(s);//将字符串...
// bitset_to_string.cpp // compile with: /EHsc #include <bitset> #include <iostream> #include <string> int main( ) { using namespace std; bitset<5> b1 ( 7 ); cout << "The ordered set of bits in the bitset<5> b1( 7 )" << "\n that was generated by the number 7 is: ...
只有当bitset的大小<=对应的大小(to_ulong为unsigned long,to_ullong为unsigned long long)时,才能使用这两个操作 例如: //在64位机器上,long long 0ULL是64位的,因此~0ULL是64个1 std::bitset<128> bitvec3(~0ULL); //0~63位为1,63~127位为0 unsigned long ulong = bitvec3.to_ulong(); std:...
#include<iostream>#include<bitset>intmain(){std::bitset<8>bits("10101010");// 初始化8位的bitsetstd::cout<<"Initial bits: "<<bits<<std::endl;bits.flip(3);// 翻转第4位std::cout<<"After flipping 4th bit: "<<bits<<std::endl;if(bits.test(0)){// 检查第1位是否为1std::cout<<...
usingnamespacestd; intmain(){ // freopen("input2.txt","r",stdin); intn,m; while(cin>>n){ bitset<8>b(n); cout<<b<<endl; } return0; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. b.to_string() 转换为字符串
12.BitSet get(int fromIndex, int toIndex) 返回一个新的 BitSet由 BitSet从 fromIndex (含)到 toIndex (独家)的位组成。 13.int hashCode() 返回此位集的哈希码值。 14.boolean intersects(BitSet set) 如果指定的 BitSet任何位设置为 true true在此 BitSet中也设置为 true ,则返回true。 15....
bitset类型在定义时就需要指定所占的空间,例如 bitset<233>bit; bitset类型可以用string和整数初始化(整数转化成对应的二进制) #include<iostream>#include<bitset>#include<cstring>usingnamespacestd;intmain() { bitset<23>bit (string("11101001")); ...
std::bitset<N>::to_ulong From cppreference.com <cpp |utility |bitset Converts the contents of the bitset to anunsignedlonginteger. The first bit of the bitset corresponds to the least significant digit of the number and the last bit corresponds to the most significant digit. ...