Linux Redmine Bitnami Stack 1. Go to plugins folder 2. Copy plugin there 3. Unarchive plugin 4. Run use_redmine script 5. Intall required gems 6. Migrate database 7. Restart Redmine application Video demonstration Linux Redmine Bitnami Stack ...
cp plugins/ cd plugins unzip Install required gems Now you have to return to the core Redmine folder for the next steps. cd /opt/bitnami/redmine bundle install --without development test --no-deployment Migrate plugin's tables...
Installing on Redmine Bitnami stack Linux Redmine Bitnami Stack 1. Go to plugins folder $ cd /opt/redmine-[version]/apps/redmine/htdocs/plugins 2. Copy plugin there 3. Unarchive plugin $ unzip redm...
查看bitnami_redmine历史版本:( wget OR curl -O
Code Issues Pull requests Backup and Restore tool for Bitnami Redmine Stack backups csharp restore dotnet redmine bitnami Updated Oct 29, 2021 C# wxb / Docker-LNMP Star 10 Code Issues Pull requests docker-compose 配置的LNMP开发环境模板 docker composer lnmp bitnami Updated Mar 17, 2017...
bitnami版redmine迁移升级 1、版本说明 迁移版本:3.1.1-1 升级版本:3.4.6-5 2、备份迁移版本 2.1 、查询数据库密码 root@localhost:# cat /opt/redmine-3.1.1-1/apps/redmine/htdocs/config/database.yml --- # Default setup is given for MySQL with ruby1.9. ...