I've notice that this started with bitnami redis cluster 7.0.11 and beyond. I have reverted to using Azure Disk until I can find a solution. Errors on pod startup using Azure File Share as persistence storage: So I ran in diagnostic mode. No problems creating files, but here is what ...
docker.io/bitnami/redis-exporter:1.62.0-debian-12-r1 docker.io/bitnami/os-shell:12-debian-12-r26 docker.io/bitnami/os-shell:12-debian-12-r26 [bitnami/redis-cluster] Release 10.2.8 updating components versions … b88f146 github-actions bot added redis-cluster auto-merge automated labels J...
You can choose any of the two Redis® Helm charts for deploying a Redis® cluster. WhileRedis® Helm Chartwill deploy a master-slave cluster using Redis® Sentinel, theRedis® Cluster Helm Chartwill deploy a Redis® Cluster with sharding. The main features of each chart are the fol...
1、创建网络 [root@iZ2zeir6vcnpz8qw3t455tZ ~]# docker network create redis --subnet 172.38...
Helm 是 Kubernetes 的软件包管理工具。包管理器类似 Ubuntu 中使用的apt、Centos中使用的yum 或者Python中的 pip 一样,能快速查找、下载和安装软件包。通常每个包称为一个Chart,一个Chart是一个目录(一般情况下会将目录进行打包压缩,形成name-version.tgz格式的单一文件,方便传输和存储)。
By executing thehelm installcommand the application will be deployed on the Kubernetes cluster. You can install more than one chart across the cluster or clusters. You can find an example of the installation of Redis using Helm charts below: ...
我认为运行状况检查失败是因为它不再具有访问权限。您需要在Helm Chart和ACL文件的值中提供默认用户的密码...
您需要在Helm Chart和ACL文件的值中提供默认用户的密码。对我来说,以下工程:values.yaml:
你可以用 Helm--set标记以覆盖redis.conf文件。
helm install my-release oci://REGISTRY_NAME/REPOSITORY_NAME/valkey-cluster Note: You need to substitute the placeholdersREGISTRY_NAMEandREPOSITORY_NAMEwith a reference to your Helm chart registry and repository. For example, in the case of Bitnami, you need to useREGISTRY_NAME=registry-1.docker...