chary1112004 changed the title CPU for replicas are very high for helm chart 12.0.0 CPU for mongodb replicas are very high for helm chart 12.0.0 May 20, 2022 chary1112004 changed the title CPU for mongodb replicas are very high for helm chart 12.0.0 [bitnami/mongodb] CPU for mongodb...
helm install my-release oci://REGISTRY_NAME/REPOSITORY_NAME/mongodb-sharded Note: You need to substitute the placeholders REGISTRY_NAME and REPOSITORY_NAME with a reference to your Helm chart registry and repository. For example, in the case of Bitnami, you need to use REGISTRY_NAME=registry-...
Which chart: Chart: MongoDB Version: 7.8.7 Chart URL: Description MongoDB is not updating the password change that occurred while upgrading the helm chart. Steps to reproduce the issue: Install the MongoDB helm chart Upgrade the...
Deploying Bitnami applications as Helm Charts is the easiest way to get started with our applications on Kubernetes. Read more about the installation in theBitnami MongoDB Chart GitHub repository. Bitnami containers can be used withKubeappsfor deployment and management of Helm Charts in clusters. ...
Bitnami PostgreSQL Helm Chart的缺点 仅限于PostgreSQL Bitnami PostgreSQL Helm Chart只能在支持PostgreSQL 的环境中使用,对于其他数据库类型,如 MySQL、MongoDB等,用户需要使用其他工具和方式创建和管理数据库。 存储空间限制 Bitnami PostgreSQL Helm Chart 的存储空间有限,用户需要根据实际需求进行存储空间的规划和管理。
Kafka是一个高度可扩展、分布式的消息队列服务,它通过发布-订阅模式和多个内置组件与其他服务进行集成。以下是bitnami kafka与其他服务集成的方法与示例: Kafka与其他服务的集成方法 数据存储系统:如Hadoop、HBase、Cassandra、MongoDB等,用于将数据从Kafka传输到这些存储系统中。 数据处理系统:如Spark、Storm、Flink等,...
helm install mysql oci://REGISTRY_NAME/REPOSITORY_NAME/mysql --set auth.usernames=DB_USER --set auth.password=DB_PASSWORD --set auth.database=DB_DATABASE Then install the zipkin helm chart with the following values: # # Example with MongoDB ...
我们正在使用部署在AWS中的kubernetest,我使用helm chart在kubernetes中部署了mongodb的副本集,并尝试使用velero和restic进行备份,但当我恢复时,有时pods不会出现,错误如损坏的数据库或校验和不匹配等。谁能让我知道如何在kubernetes中进行mongodb备份而不停止mongodb服务器,即热备份。感谢您的投入。 incubator nginx-stable bitnami... apphub 常用命令安装 helm install...的chart helm show chart stable/redis-ha 参考: helm安装 helm命令...
helm install mongodb oci:// --set serviceType=NodePort NOTE: Check the configurable parameters of the MongoDB chart and their default values at theGitHub repository. To install on Minikube, run the following command: ...