X.Lin , Y.Li and C.P.Tsang, Applying On-Line Bitmap Indexing to Reduce Count- ing Costs in Mining Association Rules, Information Science, 120 (1-4), 197-208, 1999.Lin, X., Li, Y., Tsang, C.P.: Applying on-line bitmap indexing to reduce counting costs in mining association ...
The 3d section contains 24 articles on tools and technologies, including visualization techniques, indexing with bitmaps, and mobile user data mining. Data warehousing and mining; concepts, methodologies, tools and applications; 6v The Inovys Silicon Debug Solution is a suite of tools that addresses...
Aalborg Universitet Efficient indexing of hashtags using bitmap indices We demonstrate using Roaring bitmaps for compression, HBase for storing key-values, and adding an updated version of Apache Orc that uses bitmap indices to Apache Hive that although there is some runtime overhead due to index...
To improve response time, data warehouse administrators generally use indexing techniques such as star join indexes or bitmap join indexes. This task is nevertheless complex and fastidious. Our solution lies in the field of data warehouse auto-administration. In this framework, we propose an ...
To improve response time, data warehouse administrators generally use indexing techniques such as star join indexes or bitmap join indexes. This task is nevertheless complex and fastidious. Our solution lies in the field of data warehouse auto-administration. In this framework, we propose an ...
To improve response time, data warehouse administrators generally use indexing techniques such as star join indexes or bitmap join indexes. This task is nevertheless complex and fastidious. Our solution lies in the field of data warehouse auto-administration. In this framework, we propose an ...
frequent itemsets miningIndexing techniques based on bitmap representations are well suited to a warehouse system. They significantly improve query processing time by utilizing low-cost Boolean operations and multiple index scans, executing queries by performing simple predicate conditions on the index ...
The subset search is not well supported by SQL query language and traditional database indexing techniques.Tadeusz MorzyMaciej ZakrzewiczAAAI PressKnowledge Discovery and Data MiningT. Morzy, M. Zakrzewicz. "Group Bitmap Index: a Structure for Association Rules Retrieval". Proc. Int. Conf. on...
In this paper, the problem of association rules retrieval and item sets retrieval is recognized as the subset search problem in relational databases. The subset search is not well supported by SQL query language and traditional database indexing techniques. We introduce a new index structure, ...
In Graph Data Management: Techniques and Applications; Sakr, S., Pardede, E., Taniar, D., Eds.; Advances in data mining and database management; IGI Global: Hershey, PA, USA, 2012; pp. 176–213. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Yan, X.; Yu, P.S.; Han, J. Graph Indexing. In ...