bitmap inComputers topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English bit‧map/ˈbɪtmæp/noun[countable]technical(abbreviationBMP)a computerimagethat is stored orprintedas anarrangementofbitsbitmap fonts—bitmappedadjectivebitmapped graphics ...
In computer graphics, the X Window System uses X BitMap (XBM), an ASCII text monochrome image format, for storing cursor and icon bitmaps used in the X GUI. XBM files differ markedly from most image files in that they take the form of C source files. This means that they can be ...
(Computer Science) a picture created on a visual display unit where each pixel corresponds to one or more bits in memory, the number of bits per pixel determining the number of available colours vb, -maps, -mapping or -mapped (Computer Science) (tr) to create a bitmap of Collins English...
Bitmap (BMP) is an image file format that can be used to create and store computer graphics. A bitmap file displays a small dots in a pattern that, when viewed from afar, creates an overall image. A bitmap image is a grid made of rows and columns where a specific cell is given a...
Also found in: Encyclopedia. bitmap fontn (Computer Science) computing a font format in which letters and symbols are stored as a pattern of dots. Compare outline fontCollins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000...
点阵图与矢量图的区别(Thedifferencebetweenabitmapanda vectordiagram) Thedifferencebetweenbitmapandvector.Txt Computergraphicsaredividedintotwocategories:bitmap(also calledbitmaporrasterimage)andvectorgraphics.Recognizing theirfeaturesanddifferenceshelpstocreate,input,output, editandapplydigitalimages.Bitmapimagesand...
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The Blit is an experimental bitmap graphics terminal built for research into interactive computer graphics on the UNIX time-sharing system. The hardware is inexpensive and the graphics functions are implemented entirely in software. Nevertheless, the graphics performance of the Blit is comparable or su...
A GIF is an example of a graphics image file that has a bitmap. When the GIF is displayed on a computer monitor, the computer reads the bitmap to determine which colours to use to “paint” the screen. In a bitmapped font, each character is defined as a pattern of dots in a bit...
Computer Graphics ForumT.-H. Wei, C.-M. Chen, and A. Biswas. Efficient local histogram searching via bitmap indexing. In Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 34, pp. 81-90, 2015.T.-H. Wei, C.-M. Chen, and A. Biswas. Efficient local histogram search- ing via bitmap indexing. Computer...