川张 49,00 Kč Screenshots Description Bitmap fonts are often needed in games to improve performance. This App can drag bitmap numbers into it and then generate bitmap fonts, and use them in CocosCreator; Super small app size, fast speed, focus on bitmap font generation ...
import { BitmapFont } from "cc"; 位图字体资源类。 索引 构造函数 BitmapFont public 属性 spriteFrame public 位图字体所使用的精灵。 fontSize public 文字尺寸。 fontDefDictionary public fntDataStr public fntConfig public 字体配置。 继承属性 uuid public 资源的 UUID。 refCount public ...
BitFontCreator is a professional bitmap font creator tool for your embedded project, which helps you create monochrome (1-bpp) bitmap fonts and antialiased (2-bpp and 4-bpp) bitmap fonts for graphical LCD / LED. It just import the font installed on your Windows PC and create a C file...
Bitmapfont MakerBitmap fonts are often needed in games to improve performance. This App can drag bitmap numbers into it and then generate bitmap fonts, and use them in CocosCreator;now we publish bitmapfontMaker for mac, it has super small app size, fast speed, focus on bitmap font ge...
Cocos Creator 3D Cocos2d-x AnySDK Version: 1.9 BitmapFont BitmapFont 类型 继承于 RawAsset 模块: cc 位图字体资源类。 索引 属性(properties) _uuid String _name String _objFlags Number name String 该对象的名称。 isValid Boolean 表示该对象是否可用(被销毁后将不可用)。 方法 destroy 销毁该...
Glyph Designer(Mac) 与 BMFont (Windows) 功能完善,但是有平台限制。 个人不习惯其操作 Cocos Store中也有许多优秀的 BMFont 插件,但是依赖Cocos Creator,可能会有对应版本限制。 实现 于是动手写一个HTML,依赖浏览器的小工具,目录设计如下: index.html ...
BitFontCreator(Bitmap Font Creator)2.3 官方正式版 软件大小:1.64MB 更新时间:2016-11-25 系统类型:支持32/64位 星级指数: 软件平台:电脑版 下载次数:59次 安全监测:无插件无病毒正式版 软件语言:多语言 操作系统: Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 ...
Iseatech Software, founded in 2005, provides Windows font manager, Bitmap font creator and GLCD bitmap converter tools to home users, small businesses and large companies world-wide for 12 years.Our flagship product is BitFontCreator, a professional bitmap font generator tool for Windows and ...
Cocos Creator Cocos2d-x Version: v3.3 cocos-creator - v3.3 3d 3d/primitive animation asset 类 Asset BitmapFont BufferAsset Font FontAtlas FontLetterDefinition ImageAsset JavaScript JsonAsset LabelAtlas Mesh ParticleAsset Prefab RenderTexture RenderingSubMesh SceneAsset Script SimpleTexture Skeleton Sprite...
https://forum.cocos.org/t/bitmap-font-texture-merger-bmfont/41978 老版本的texture merger也能导出fnt和png文件,但是cocos creator加载要出问题。这个后续能支持吗,bmfont好简陋啊 zh-CN Tue, 06 Dec 2016 02:46:48 +0000 Creator 2.x 暂时没有支持 Texture Merger 的计划,后续可能会考虑支持。 阅读...