In case you need detailed information on how to store bitmaps properly using the Bitmap Converter, please refer to the chapter 9 "Bitmap Converter" in the emWin user manual. Best regards, Adrian alevy Community Member Posts 13 3 Bitmap convert utility options Feb 27th 2013 Hi Adrian ...
Hello, I am Using SPI Flash to Store my Bitmap and I have the Driver for Same Working Well, I have created a bitmap C Stream Using Bitmap Converter, which when included as a constant arry and using the Function GUI_DrawStreamed Bitmap(), the bitmap is
For the same job, using the GUI_DrawBitmap() function passing the array contained into .c generated by bitmap converter (24bpp in native format) takes 1500 msec. The manual states that the performance drawing a 24bpp internal bitmap format on a 200MHz ARM922 is 1.671 megapixel/sec. I...