當BitLocker 無法自動解除鎖定 Windows 中的加密磁碟驅動器時,需要 BitLocker 修復金鑰。 此金鑰是 48 位數的數位,用來重新取得磁碟驅動器的存取權。 啟動時,系統可能會提示您輸入 BitLocker 修復金鑰,因為安全性風險或硬體變更: 您可能需要提供數據或外部磁碟驅動器的 BitLocker 修復金鑰,例如,如果您忘記解除...
當BitLocker 無法自動解除鎖定 Windows 中的加密磁碟驅動器時,需要BitLocker 修復金鑰。 此金鑰是 48 位數的數位,用來重新取得磁碟驅動器的存取權。 啟動時,系統可能會提示您輸入 BitLocker 修復金鑰,因為安全性風險或硬體變更: 您可能需要提供數據或外部磁碟驅動器的 BitLocker 修復金鑰,例如,如果您忘記解除鎖定密碼...
As mentioned above, the BitLocker Pin recovery key can be stored in different locations. If you just forgot BitLocker password but you have backed it up to someplace, it’s possible to find the password back. Here you can try finding it from yourMicrosoft account. If not here, check if i...
今天开机的时候,突然发现需要输入BitLocker恢复密钥,一脸懵...根据提示,访问aka.ms/myrecoverykey查找密钥, Esc中很多方法也是需要输入密钥才能执行。。。 微软的登录页,输入微软账号(一般是outlook邮箱)和密码,然后找到需要解密的设备,查看详细信息, 找到Bitlocker数据保护,点击下方的管理恢复秘钥, 结果被告知:未将任何...
How to find Bitlocker recovery key? If you forget the BitLocker password used to encrypt a partition, you can use Bitlocker recovery key to unlock the partition protected by BitLocker. If you have forget the BitLocker recovery key, there are 4 possible ways to find BitLocker recovery key: ...
1.Download, install, and run iBoysoft BitLocker Recovery to get to its main interface. 2. Click on the BitLocker encrypted drive where you lose data, then clickNext. 3. A pop-up window will remind you to enter a password or BitLocker recovery key to decrypt data. Input the password or...
a BitLocker recovery key; a Startup key stored on an external USB device. When BitLocker is turned on, the data on the encrypted volume is rendered unreadable. To make it readable again, the user needs to authenticate themselves by providing the correct password, BitLocker recovery key or Star...
问题: 提示BitLocker恢复,需要输入密钥 解决办法: 1.手机浏览器打开这个网址:aka.ms/myrecoverykey 2.按提示登录微软账号获取秘钥 3.获取后输入提示中的恢复密钥id对应的纯数字密钥(一长串都需要输入),然后按回车就可以了 发布于 2023-07-03 10:38・IP 属地四川 内容所属专栏 电脑故障解决建议 分享一些常见电...
Quick solutions for unlocking a BitLocker encrypted drive if you forget or lose the password and recovery key: Note:No one can access a BitLocker encrypted drive without both the password and recovery key. So, this post focuses on telling you all the possible ways to find the BitLocker passwor...
In this tutorial, you learn how to unlock BitLocker without a password and recovery key, so you know what to do when facing such a predicament.