在上面地址登录微软帐号,就会出现下图 根据密钥ID,复制对应的密钥进入各个分区弹出的框中解锁即可 4.关闭bitlocker 鼠标左键点击左下角开始(WIN10)-设置-更新和安全-左上角搜索中输入"bitlocker"(根据WIN10版本,有的是设备加密,有的没有这个选项,直接搜索bitlocker...
If you’re still wondering how to bypass the BitLocker recovery key on your Dell laptop, the truth is there’s only so much you can do. BitLocker wouldn’t be a very good encryption system if there were an easy way to go around it. Finding the forgotten key is usually the best shot ...
您需要登录才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?注册 x 机型:Dell、联想笔记本 故障:重置系统要Bitlocker恢复密钥...
摘要:Dell bilgisayarlar için BitLocker şifrelemesi. Etkili Windows güvenliği için gerekli gereksinimler, önemli donanım özellikleri ve temel yönetim adımları hakkında bilgi edinin. 请选择产品以检查文章相关性
工具/原料:Dell游匣G15、win10、浏览器1.0 1、在另一个设备上登入您的Microsoft账户后,将会出现如下画面的BitLocker恢复密钥列表。2、若您是公司或学校组织账号,透过网站登入后,点击右上角的帐户图标,然后点选我的Microsoft账户。3、进入帐户信息后,在设备字段中找到您要寻找BitLocker恢复密钥的设备...
公司采购的dell电脑,磁盘驱动器被锁了,BitLocker恢复密钥该如何找回? 看微软客服提供的文档,根本不知道怎么操作,如下: 在哪里查找 BitLocker 恢复密钥: 在保存的打印输出上:在存放重要文件的位置查找。文件在哪,目录是啥??? 在U 盘上:将 U 盘插入已锁定的电脑,然后按照说明进行操作。如果你已在 U 盘上将密钥另...
下午还没下班就被亲戚call了,说是电脑打不开了,然后发了张图过来,一眼dell的bios,显示time of ...
Bitlocker encryption has been activated in my Inspiron 15 DELL laptop automatically. When I access my Microsoft account, I can see the correct device name and, when I click in, I can see the Bitlocker recovery key that is supposedly associated to this device. However, next to the recover...
I'm not and I am lost. I need Lenovo to call me and talk me through this. I don't have a support number. When I used this Delll computer to reach support, it tried to fix the Dell laptop that I was writing them on. You see, I can't get into the Internet with my Lenovo!