BitLocker and Azure AD team would like to ask you few questions related to storing BitLocker Recovery Passwords in the cloud for Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD). Take the short survey today:BitLocker Recovery Passwords in Azure AD Survey (
Now we would like to register the BitLocker recovery key in Azure AD so I'm looking for a way to do so without having to disable BitLocker and enable it again. I tried to do so with powershell by using the Backup-BitLockerKeyProtector command which gives a success but nothing is ...
With Bitlocker enabled and functioning, can we only store the recovery keys in the on-premise AD and Not in Azure? This appears to be the case from what I have read but is not clearly defined!We would like self-service for our users and don't really want to go down the MBAM rou...
Escrowing BitLocker recovery keys to Azure AD is great functionality but I have been asked to find an audit trail when a user or administrator accesses the recovery keys. The IT Security function at ... Andrew MatthewsIn case anyone else is looking for this feature - It seems it was added...
1、在另一台设备上,打开 Web 浏览器并转到 2、使用 Microsoft 帐户登录并找到密钥 ID: 3、使用相关的恢复密钥解锁驱动器 注意: 如果设备已由其他人设置或 BitLocker 已打开,则恢复密钥可能存储在该用户的 Microsoft 帐户中。
If you can find the BitLocker recovery key .txt file or saved the BitLocker recovery key in your Microsoft account, AD, or Azure AD, you canfind the correct BitLocker recovery keyaccording to key ID. Otherwise, there is no way to get the BitLocker recovery key. ...
注意:如果已登录到工作或学校管理的计算机,则可能改为“保存到 Azure AD 帐户”。 保存到 U 盘- 如果你有一个方便的闪存驱动器,则可以保存该驱动器的密钥。 如果设备将来需要恢复密钥,请插入该 U 盘并按照说明进行操作。 密钥仅占用几 KB 空间,因此驱动器不必很大 ...
C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\Microsoft\BitLockerRecovery-或类似路径。 你也可以在启用BitLocker时选择保存到USB驱动器或打印出来。 Active Directory: 如果你的设备是通过Active Directory管理的,管理员可以将恢复密钥存储在AD中: 管理员可以通过AD管理工具查看和管理恢复密钥。
在Azure Active Directory 帳戶中:如果您的裝置曾經使用公司或學校電子郵件帳戶登錄組織,您的修復金鑰可能會儲存在與Azure AD相關聯的組織帳戶。您也許可以直接存取此修復金鑰,或者可能需要連絡系統管理員來存取。 由系統管理員所持有:如果您的裝置已連接到網域(通常是公司或學校裝置),請向系統管理員詢問您的修復金鑰...
未加入域用户,可直用通过配置向导打印存放或将生成的 RecoveryKey 存放到 U 盘 使用 Microsoft 账户的用户,可以选择将 BitLocker RecoveryKey 存储到 OneDrive 加入 Azure AD 的用户可将 BitLocker RecoveryKey 存储到 Azure AD 加入本地域的用户,BitLocker RecoveryKey 会存到活动目录之所以...