暫停非Microsoft軟體更新的 BitLocker 保護 設定FIPS 相容原則時,無法使用 BitLocker 的修復密碼 要求的金鑰標識碼無效 TPM 功能模式已降低 Windows 10 BitLocker Recovery 在 UEFI 模式中自動關機 因特網通訊協定安全性 (IPSec) Kerberos 驗證 舊版驗證 (NTLM) ...
如果启动Bitlocker加密时关联了微软帐户,可以登录微软官网账户来试着找回密码。① 点我登录Microsoft账户(建议在电脑浏览器中打开,服务器原因可能会比较慢,需要耐心等待哦)② 依次点击管理--管理修复密钥,进入后即可看到所有设备的BitLocker修复密钥。③ 若无法找回密钥,则只能重新安装操作系统,所以平时重...
✅ Bitlocker Key is missing in my Microsoft account:I have two laptops that were registered in my Microsoft Account at the same time. Both devices are shown in my account, I need the Bitlocker key to...
✅ No Bitlocker Key in Microsoft Account:Any advice on following please. Unable to access Lenovo Ideapad 5 laptop. Details:No key provided in microsoft accountTried command prompt no key but...
在打开的Windows10运行窗口中,输入命令services.msc,然后点击确定按钮。在打开的服务窗口中,找到BitLocker Drive Encryption Service设置项,右键点击该设置项,在弹出菜单中选择“属性”菜单项。在打开的服务属性编辑窗口中,点击“启动”按钮,启动该项服务。这时就会出现服务控制启动的过程,待自动启动完成...
Microsoft Entra ID 中的自我復原 如果BitLocker 修復金鑰儲存在 Microsoft Entra ID 中,使用者可以使用下列 URL 來存取它們:https://myaccount.microsoft.com。 從 [裝置]索引標籤,使用者可以選取他們擁有的 Windows 裝置,然後選取 [檢視 BitLocker 金鑰]選項。
Store the recovery information in Microsoft Entra ID, AD DS, Microsoft Account, or another safe location. While using a USB flash drive as both the startup key and for storage of the recovery key is technically possible, it isn't a best practice to use one USB flash drive to store both...
The option is available for devices that aren't members of a domain and that the user is using a Microsoft account. Storing the recovery password in a Microsoft account is the default recommended recovery key storage method for devices that aren't Microsoft Entra joined or Active Directory ...
For removable data drives, the recovery password and recovery key can be saved to a folder, saved to your Microsoft account online, or printed. By default, you cannot store a recovery key for a removable drive on a removable drive.
For removable data drives, the recovery password and recovery key can be saved to a folder, saved to your Microsoft account online, or printed. By default, you cannot store a recovery key for a removable drive on a removable drive.