Enable-BitLocker-MountPoint"C:"-EncryptionMethodAes128-AdAccountOrGroup"Western\SarahJones"-AdAccountOrGroupProtector This command encrypts the BitLocker volume specified by theMountPointparameter, and uses the AES 128 encryption method. The command also specifies an account and specifies that BitLocker...
In Windows 7 we now have the ability to suspend BitLocker and then re-enable it. This enables the BIOS to be updated without having to first decrypt the drive or have the user input their password post upgrade. We can use the BDE command line tool to mange this Manage-bde.exe –protect...
Enable-BitLocker cmdlet 不允许它在远程计算机上运行。但您可以使用 PowerShell 远程处理(通过 WinRM)和 Invoke-Command cmdlet 来运行它。 以下PowerShell 脚本提示您输入远程计算机的名称以及将用于加密系统驱动器的 BitLocker 密码: $Password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter BitLocker Password" -AsSecureString $rmtCo...
Additionally, advanced users can encrypt local data volumes using a command-line interface (manage-bde.wsf). In Windows Vista with SP1, after you have encrypted your operating system volume, you can then choose to encrypt additional data volumes through the user interface as an alternative to ...
Run the following command to enable BitLocker on the C drive, store the recovery key on the Y drive, and generate a random recovery password. manage-bde -on C: -RecoveryKey Y: -RecoveryPasswordBitLocker Drive Encryption: Configuration Tool version 6.1.7100 ...
Windows Command Prompt Copy manage-bde.exe <driveletter> -lock Outside of using this command, data drives will be locked on shutdown and restart of the operating system. A removable data drive will also be locked automatically when the drive is removed from the computer.Can...
For more information about using the tool, see Bdehdcfg in the Command-Line Reference.Megjegyzés When installing the BitLocker optional component on a server, the Enhanced Storage feature must be installed. The feature is used to support hardware encrypted drives.Windows edition and licensing ...
Debug logging is turned off by default for the WDS server role, so you will need to enable it first. You can use either of the following two methods to turn on WDS debug logging. Start an elevated command prompt and run the following command: ...
The second command unlocks the specified BitLocker volume by using the password saved in the $SecureString variable.Parameters-AdAccountOrGroupIndicates that BitLocker requires account credentials to unlock the volume. In order to use this parameter, the account for the current user must be a key ...
Both fixed and removable data drives can be locked by using the Manage-bde command-line tool and the -lock command. Note Ensure all data is saved to the drive before locking it. Once locked, the drive will become inaccessible. The syntax of this command is: cmd Copy manage-bde.exe <...