Biting the inside of your cheek can be quite common, and it doesn’t necessarily point to an anxiety disorder. However, when a chronic cheek biter engages in this type of body-focused repetitive behavior compulsively, there is likely a reason for it. People tend to have habits they fall in...
It bothers me for sure as many of you and like many of you, I start to feel the new skin develop and I bite it b/c the inside of my mouth doesn't feel smooth and that bugs me but then again, it never feels smooth! Guestover a year ago ...
Sounds like you have a nervous habit. I'm sure bitting the inside of your mouth can really smart. I really don't think there is any drug you can take that will cure that problem. This calls for some serious behavorial modification. This sounds like it could be a little difficult because...
People with this BFRB can’t stop biting the inside of their mouths. Over time, this causes sores and swelling. The inner lining of your mouth can also start to feel bumpy, which may make you want to chew it more. Since people often do this to self-soothe, it can help to find a...
my puppies eyelids on the inside are very red and his eyes have been weeping a lot,... (13681 views)See all questions...About Dr. Marie Why use an online vet? Dr. Marie is a veterinarian who practices in a busy animal hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. She created Ask A Vet Question as...
i also had this terrible habit of nail biting, along with biting my lips, and even inside cheeks. In my case, it is all pure anxiety, which has been created by us with the kind of food I eat. Diet has a major role in balancing anxiety. We are always on the run, mixing hot food...