To use Bitget for PC, users can download the app either from the official website or directly from the secure FIleHorse servers.Once fully downloaded, the app can be installed via an automated installer that will require users to just follow a few simple on-screen instructions. During the ...
或受 Bitget 与 DOGS 合作影响,Bitget App 在苹果 iOS 应用商店的排名大幅上涨,目前已在 11 个国家进入财务榜前十位,其中,在尼日利亚排名第二,乌克兰排名第六,白俄罗斯排名第八。Foresight News 此前报道,DOGS 已支持通过 Bitget 账号申领 DOGS 代币空投,并享受 0 Gas 费。此外,Bitget 还推出「BitgetLucky...
{ name: "Bitget Wallet", appName: "bitgetTonWallet", jsBridgeKey: "bitgetTonWallet", imageUrl: "", aboutUrl: "", bridgeUrl: "https://ton-connect-bridge.bgwapi....