Image: The crystal structure of the factor VIII protein, Jacky Chi Ki Ngo Repost from the Stojdl Lab blog. Rate this: Share this: Email Twitter Facebook Reddit Loading... Posted in Immunology, Medicine, Science | Leave a comment Convection currents help to deliver oncolytic virus in the...
about 1.3 meters across). As its name implies, Prospector was built to examine the mineral content of our nearest neighbor, and to learn more about the Moon's structure.
1990-1995: The rings fade as the gas recombines. This fading has helped us quite a bit in finding the temperature, density and even the structure of the gas. 1996: Hubble images reveal that the supernova blast itself is measurably increasing in size. From the spectra we knew it was expa...
Hydrogen bonding is a vital feature of proteins and is necessary for maintaining: [1–4] Structure. Folding status. Stability. Selectivity and affinity towards ligands. Proteins contain many hydrogen bond donors and acceptors, including amide (-NH) donors and carbonyl (-CO) acceptors along the pe...