To grasp or grip with the teeth; press the teeth strongly upon: as, tobitethe thumb or lip. (See phrases below.) To sting, as an insect: as, to bebittenby a flea. To cause a sharp or smarting pain in; cause to smart: as, pepperbitesthe mouth. ...
<参考词汇><同义词>bite,champ,gnawThe central meaning shared by these verbs is .to seize and tear or grind something with the teeth.: 这些动词共有的中心含义是.用牙抓,撕或磨.: 例句:bite into a ripe tomato;咬一个熟透的西红柿;例句:horses champing grain;马嚼谷物;例句:a dog gnawing a ...
Maxillae- basically the teeth of the roach. These are secondary chewing parts that further grind down the food into smaller and smaller pieces so they can be pulled into the digestive areas for nutritional purposes. How do I know if a cockroach bit me? If you can't catch the culprit in ...
In children, the maxilla is joined at the root of the mouth by soft tissue that grows into one bone mass by about age 17. Our upper teeth are a little bigger than the lowers. We call the lower jaw the mandible. When the maxilla and the mandible work properly, they chew, grind, and...
To place a bit in the mouth of (a horse, for example).给…的嘴上嚼子(如马)To check or control with or as if with a bit.控制:用或似用嚼子控制或抑制To make or grind a bit on (a key).给(钥匙)做或磨钥匙齿have the bit in one's teeth或take the bit in one's teethTo be ...
Oatmeal.This yummy breakfast doubles as a skin cream with anti-itch powers. Use a blender or food processor to grind the dry flakes into powder. Then, mix it with a little warm water to make a sticky paste. Put the paste on your flea bite and let it sit for 10 minutes. Afterward, ...
Amisaligned bite, also known asmalocclusion,occurs when the upper and lower teeth have a defective or ill-fitting connection when the mouth is fully closed. There are three primary categories of malocclusions.Specifically they are: Class I ...
can be found on China and Korea’s border Changbai Mountain. After finding this plant which was ever the principal food of dinosaurs, locals in Yanbian of northeast China’s Jilin Province choose the tender parts and blanch them to reduce the bitter and astringent tastes. Although simple cooking...
Place nuts and sea salt in food processor and grind to a fine powder. Add honey and coconut oil and process until “butter” becomes smooth. It will be somewhat liquid but will harden when chilled. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Serve at room temp. ...
can be found on China and Korea’s border Changbai Mountain. After finding this plant which was ever the principal food of dinosaurs, locals in Yanbian of northeast China’s Jilin Province choose the tender parts and blanch them to reduce the bitter and astringent tastes. Although simple cooking...