1、字符转成ASCII码: Console.Write(Convert.ToByte('a'));//97Console.Write((int)'a');//97,强制转换Console.Write(Convert.ToByte('1'));//49Console.Write((int)'1');//49 2、ASCII码转成字符: Convert.ToChar(97)=>’d’; (char)97=’a’ --强制转换: 注意:C#中的Char字符类型为Unicod...
Converts the numeric value of each element of a specified array of bytes to its equivalent hexadecimal string representation. C# publicstaticstringToString(byte[]value); Parameters value Byte[] An array of bytes. Returns String A string of hexadecimal pairs separated by hyphens, where each pair ...
L’exemple suivant convertit les modèles de bits de valeurs Boolean en tableaux Byte avec la méthode GetBytes. C# Copier Exécuter using System; class Example { public static void Main( ) { // Define Boolean true and false values. bool[] values = { true, false }; // Display the va...
namespace TestBitConvert { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("boolean占1个字节"); bool[] bl = new bool[] { true, false }; for (int j = 0; j < bl.Length; j++) { byte[] bufferC = BitConverter.GetBytes(bl[j]); string s = string.Empty; ...
usingSystem;publicclassExample{publicstaticvoidMain(){intvalue=-16; Byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);// Convert bytes back to int.intintValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes,0); Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}: {2}",value, intValue,value.Equals(intValue) ?"Round-trips":"Does no...
using System; class GetBytesDoubleDemo { const string formatter = "{0,25:E16}{1,30}"; // Convert a double argument to a byte array and display it. public static void GetBytesDouble( double argument ) { byte[ ] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument ); Console.WriteLine( formatter,...
using System; class GetBytesCharDemo { const string formatter = "{0,10}{1,16}"; // Convert a char argument to a byte array and display it. public static void GetBytesChar( char argument ) { byte[ ] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes( argument ); Console.WriteLine( formatter, argument, ...
Converts a read-only byte span into a 32-bit signed integer. C# 複製 public static int ToInt32(ReadOnlySpan<byte> value); Parameters value ReadOnlySpan<Byte> A read-only span containing the bytes to convert. Returns Int32 A 32-bit signed integer representing the converted bytes. Exce...
A C++ port of the C# BitConverter class. Convert bytes to base data types, and base data types to bytes. - YanjieHe/BitConverter