In Visual Studio 2012 and later, visualizers can be put in a separate file in subdirectory Visualizers. In Visual Studio 2015, visualizers can support CustomListItems for customized display of hashtable. In OCCT, there are many hashtables, NCollection_Map, NCollection_IndexedMap, etc. I don...
典型应用: 比如TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(Shape, TopAbs_Edge, TopAbs_Face, Map)函数中Map对应的数据类型是 TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape,该函数是生成边-面的映射,可以从Map中便捷地找到拥有该边的面。 在Visual Studio中的调试可视化 VS2012版之后,支持natvis格式的文件定义类型在调试时的可视化。
参考CGAL文档7.3.2 Header-only without CMake Configuration,使用CGAL变成下面这样的: setPATH=C:\Program Files\CMake\bin;%PATH%setBOOST_ROOT=F:\OpenProjs\contrib\boost\boost_1_66_0setCGAL_DIR=F:\OpenProjs\contrib\cgal\CGAL-4.11.1cmake.exe -G "Visual Studio142015" ....
在Windows下编译FreeCAD,通常的方法是依赖官方提供的LibPack,但是只有vs2008, vs2012, vs2013等几个版本提供。比如现在感觉vs2017比较好用,可是没有官方LibPack,那就很难在vs2017上编译FreeCAD。 我不想再因为想看看FreeCAD源码,而去安装一个visual studio,不如探索一下,如何不依赖官方LibPack,生成出vs2017的工程...
Once you've added a new bot, you can edit using the Tmatic interface or, more conveniently, using an IDE like PyCharm or Visual Studio code, whichever you prefer.The functionality for the bot is in the module, so first you need to import market from that module,...
Build fixes for VisualStudio6.0. Fixes for osgFX registry support. Fixes to osg::Image::flipVertical() adding support for mipmaps and compressed textures. DDS plugin now can vertically flip images by using "dds_flip" Options string. Added support in osgTerrain for reading imagery with ...