2013年这些MOD最大的特点就是“迷你PC MOD渐露头角,塔式机箱愈演愈烈”每个人都会有视觉疲劳,在看过那么多年塔式机箱MOD之后,我们渐渐对这一类型的机箱失去激情,随着时间的推移我们渐渐把目光放到ITX这种迷你平台上,这就是去年MOD的变化,下面我们一起看看这些作品吧。
Dennis Publishing then partnered the site with existing monthly publication Custom PC magazine, making bit-tech the online version of the magazine. The two editorial teams have been totally integrated. The website caters specifically for ...
4 - Real World Performance - CustomPC Media Benchmarks. 5 - Gaming Performance and Battery Life. 6 - Performance Analysis and Conclusion. Alienware M17x Gaming Laptop. UK Price (as reviewed):. Pound;1,916 (inc. VAT). US Price (as reviewed):. The M17x is one of the sleekest gaming ...
The folks from bit-tech have done us a great service by tearing open the Eee PC 901. Under the keyboard is a large metal plate that acts as the processor’s heat sink. The 4GB SSD card is not soldered to the board this time around. There is some empty space labeled IDE3 and solde...
国外MOD玩家分为两大阵营,一类是玩金属(比如自制机箱,注重性能)、另一类则是玩外观(以某个事物为主题,可能是游戏、也可能是军事等等),而玩外观最难,因为不是每个人都会有那种感觉,一件成功的作品只有注入灵魂才会成为一件成功的作品。 B2 作者:Gtek
To install Windows 7 on your PC or laptop, you first need to create a Windows Bootable USB drive or CD drive. Creating both drives is fairly simple, but we recommend you use a USB drive for convenience, as modern devices are not usually equipped with a CD drive. ...
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Have you ever built a PC—or more than one? What was it like? I've built two PCs of my own, plus helped my dad build one. It stresses me out when I do it, but the feeling of accomplishment is excellent. I spend a lot of time on my desktop, so knowing I put it together ...