在使用 FPGA 的过程中,特别适合一些 low-level 的操作,比如像 bit masking、shifting、addition 这样的操作都可以非常容易的实现。 为了达到并行化计算,FPGA 内部包含了查找表(LUTs),寄存器(register),片上存储(on-chip memory)以及算术运算硬核(比如数字信号处理器 (DSP) 块)。这些 FPGA 内部的模块通过网络连接在...
inttemp =0x5E;// in binary 0b1011110. Is there such a way to check if bit 3 in temp is 1 or 0 without bit shifting and masking. Just want to know if there is some built in function for this, or am I forced to write one myself. ...
#include <stdint.h> // value-range 0 to 2016 fits in a 16-bit integer, so masking wider than that can be deferred //inline unsigned A073642_bithack(uint64_t n) { uint64_t ones = (n >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555; // 0xaa>>1 uint64_t pairs = n - ones; // standard popcount ...
However the idea is that the Roslyn compiler transforms that struct in something more digestible by the CLR giving to the developer the illusion that he can access the bits directly when in reality bitmasking is done (on one byte in theregexample), I don't pretend that the .NET makes bit...
屏蔽(Masking) 小心使用glColorMask,glStencilMask和glDepthMask。如果你用glDepthMask(FALSE);禁掉了深度写入,那么所有对glClear的调用都不会清除深度缓存。 22 回到顶部(go to top) glGetError (如何检查OpenGL错误?) (详情参见GL Error Codes) OpenGL保存最近一次的各种类型的错误,每调用一次glGetError()就返回一个...
开发者ID:C-Reg,项目名称:VisualizerCode,代码行数:101,代码来源:testApp.cpp 示例4: ofSetColor ▲点赞 1▼ //---voidtestApp::draw(){//--- circles//let's draw a circle:ofSetColor(255,130,0);floatradius =50+10*sin(counter); ofFill();// draw "filled shapes"ofCircle(100,400,radius...
开发者ID:obrpasha,项目名称:votlis_krizh_gaz_nas,代码行数:33,代码来源:slider.cpp 示例5: QPixmap ▲点赞 1▼ voidVlcPrimitiveBackgroundWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {inti_maxwidth, i_maxheight; QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap(_path);QPainterpainter(this);QBitmappMask;floatf_alpha =1.0; ...
In HIPRT-v2, besides the custom intersection functions, we can setup filter functions that can be used to filter some undesired intersections. For example, self-intersections or alpha masking. The signature of the function is almost the same as for intersection functions expect that the hit is ...
EVALUATION When the: // Masking off sign bits? Dont make them! if( rop == Op_RShiftL ) { special case in AndLNode::Ideal is commented, the generated code is correct. 29-01-2009 EVALUATION Obviously, because 6732154 fixes a similar but different problem. Still investigating. ...
To utilizeQImagefor masking purposes, the initial step involves transforming it into aQPixmap. QPixmap mask = QPixmap::fromImage(img); painter.setClipRegion(QRegion(mask)); AsQImage::Format_Monoencodes the pixels with the most significant bit (MSB) at the beginning, storing 8 pixels per byte...