位域value的位宽为33,超过了unsigned int类型的大小(通常为32位)。这种情况下,编译器会将位宽调整为合法的范围内,即33对32取模后得到1。因此,实际存储的值为2^1=2。3.位域的位宽为0:输出:Value: 10 位域value的位宽为0,意味着它不占用任何位,但仍然作为一个成员存在。这在某些特定的应用场景下可...
flags |= EXTEERNAL | STATIC;//置1flags &= ~(EXTEERNAL | STATIC);//置0 尽管这样的方法容易掌握,但是C语言提供了一种可以替代的方法,即直接定义和方位一个位字段的能力,不必通过以上的逻辑运算符,即位字段.通过位字段,以上的#define定义可以用以下的语句替代: struct{unsignedintis_keyword :1;unsignedint...
int c : 1; }; 在foo4中虽然三个位域所占用空间之和为6 bit < 8 bit(1 byte),但是由于char和int的对齐系数是不同的,是不能捆绑在一起,那是不是a、b捆绑在一起按照char对齐,c单独按照int对齐呢?我们 打印一下sizeof(struct foo4)发现结果为4,也就是说编译器把a、b、c一起捆绑起来并以int做对齐...
其实上面的写法已经使得储存空间很紧凑了,但是我们可以用bit field进一步减少空间占用。 structCHAR{unsignedintch:8;//8位unsignedintfont:6;//6位unsignedintsize:18;//18位};structCHARch1; 可以看出,第一种写法需要使用48bit的空间来储存信息,但第二种写法(bit field)只需要30bit的空间就可以储存相同的信息。
用法也很简单,当然还是没有C的BitField那么直观了,但是好歹支持了数组,方便循环。 union ExampleKey { BitFieldArray<0, 4, 2> bits1; BitFieldArray<decltype(bits1)::last_bit, 4, 1> bits2; BitField<decltype(bits2)::last_bit, 2> bit3; BitField<decltype(bit3)::last_bit, 1> bit4; Bit...
It doesn't matter how many bits are in the bit field.Microsoft SpecificBit fields defined as int are treated as signed. A Microsoft extension to the ANSI C standard allows char and long types (both signed and unsigned) for bit fields. Unnamed bit fields with base type long, short, or ...
It doesn't matter how many bits are in the bit field.Microsoft SpecificBit fields defined as int are treated as signed. A Microsoft extension to the ANSI C standard allows char and long types (both signed and unsigned) for bit fields. Unnamed bit fields with base type long, short, or ...
It doesn't matter how many bits are in the bit field.Microsoft SpecificBit fields defined as int are treated as signed. A Microsoft extension to the ANSI C standard allows char and long types (both signed and unsigned) for bit fields. Unnamed bit fields with base type long, short, or ...
位域bitfields 是 C 语言结构中的一个成员,可以指定该成员所占内存 的位数 bit。然而, 在位域的对齐方式上,GCC和MSVC这2个编译器产生了巨大的分歧。现在,我们将上面这个结构改成下面这样子: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 ...