Bistable traveling waves around an obstacle. Commun Pure Appl Math. 2009; 62:729-788. doi: 10.1002/cpa.20275H. Berestycki, F. Hamel, and H. Matano. Bistable traveling waves around an obstacle. Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 62:729-788, 2009....
This paper is devoted to the study of traveling waves for monotone evolution systems of bistable type. Under an abstract setting, we establish the existence of bistable traveling waves for discrete and continuous-time monotone semiflows. This result is then extended to the cases of periodic habitat...
In this study, we propose an approach to give a complete characterization of the propagation direction of bistable waves for a class of bistable epidemic models arising from the spread of a cholera epidemic. Moreover, this characterization also gives a parameter threshold above which the epidemic ...
英文名:Trimethadione 别名: 解痉酮 ,三甲双酮 ,三甲氧唑双酮外文名:Trimethadione 适应症: 治疗癫痫小发作效果较好。 用量用法: 口服:每次0.15~0.3g,极量为每次0.5g。 注意事项: 1.毒性较大,可引起粒细胞减少、再生障碍性贫血及肝、肾功能损害。 2.用药期间应作血、尿常规和肝功能检查。 规格: 片剂:...
Traveling Waves in Bistable Nonlinearitiesdoi:10.1007/978-0-387-21761-1_10We consider the asymptotic behavior, as t →∞, of the solutions of the problem $$ \\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{u_{t}} - {u_{{zz}}} - f\\left( {u,t} ight) = 0,z \\in R,t >0,} \\\ {u\\...
This article establishes the monotonicity, uniqueness and Liapunov stability of traveling waves for bistable systems with delay. We use an elementary super-subsolution comparison method and a moving plane technique. Also an example is given to illustrate our results.关键词: Monotonicity uniqueness ...
We study the stability and uniqueness of nonzero speed traveling waves for a three-component lattice dynamical system. This system arises in the study of three species competition model in which there is no competition between the first and the third species. Under the bistable consideration, we ...
Bistable traveling wavesCompetitive-cooperativeDelayLattice dynamical systemThis paper is devoted to the bistable traveling wave solutions for a three-species competitive-cooperative lattice dynamical system with delay. This system arises in the modeling of two species work together in a mutualistic way, ...
We study the existence and uniqueness of traveling wave solutions of the discrete buffered bistable equation. Buffered excitable systems are used to model, among other things, the propagation of waves of increased calcium concentration, and discrete models are often used to describe the propagation of...