ActressJacqueline Bissetsays she feels "unsympathetic" toward women who spoke up against sexual harassment in Hollywood during the #MeToo movement. In a new interview withPage Six, the 80-year-old actress said, "I understand as an idea, it’s important that men behave, but I do really thin...
更多外文名:Winnifred Jacqueline Fraser-Bisset (本名) IMDb编号:nm0000302 职业:演员 / 导演 / 制片人 关注2322人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 杰奎琳Bisset一直是国际1960年代末以来的电影明星。 她收到了她的第一个角色主要是因为她惊人的美丽,但随着时间的推移,她已经成为一个好演员尊敬影迷和影评的喜爱。 Bisse...
爱的艺术2005 6.7 演员 多米诺2005 6.7 演员 The Survivors Club2004演员 致命魅惑2004演员 America's Prince: The John F. Kennedy Jr. Story2003演员 摇摆舞2003 6.6 演员 闪亮的日子2003 7.7 演员(饰 Lila Montagne) 丰收月下之舞2002演员 甜心俏佳人 第五季2001 ...
Jacqueline Bisset/Erin Krakow/Wendy Malick/Nancy Naigle/Carla Hall (十一月 2, 2018) Season 7, Episode 43 - Self The Airport Minute Podcast (2017) (Podcast Series) - Self - Guest (1 episode, 2017) Minute 138: Postlude - A Voicemail (二月 8, 2017) Season 1, Episode 138 - Self ...
Jacqueline Bisset. Actress: Bullitt. Jacqueline Bisset has been an international film star since the late '60s. She received her first roles mainly because of her stunning beauty, but over time she has become a fine actress respected by fans and critics
Jacqueline Bisset演员| 制作人个人档案作品年表荣誉成就图片视频新闻留言87 % 我的喜爱度 喜欢 不喜欢 80人参与 平均喜爱度 87% 主要成就 2 获奖 6 提名 更多获奖记录 处女 1944-09-13 英国萨里郡 具有苏格兰、英国和法国血统,18岁便是知名模特儿,曾以Jackie Bisset之名踏入英国电影界,并未一炮而红,只是在B级... 杰奎琳·比塞特Jacqueline Bisset:一生从未结婚安吉丽娜朱莉的教母;金球奖女配,英国老戏骨;第一部戏因为太漂亮而得到;母亲是法国人嗯,就这样
JACQUELINE BISSETBisset has never been married, but she has had a number of well-publicized relationships with men. Bisset is the godmother to actress . She starred opposite Jolie in the film Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005). The scenes never made the final cut.bisset...
杰奎琳·比塞特 Jacqueline Bisset 获奖情况 2014 第71届金球奖 电视类 最佳女配角 边缘之舞 2000 第57届金球奖 电视类 最佳女配角(提名) 圣女贞德 >去 杰奎琳·比塞特 影人页