and popliteal will enhance the sensitivity of bacteriologic culture. Fluid or suppurative material from affected joints of animals with lameness or joint enlargements should be aseptically collected and cultured. Occasionally the organism will be present in nontypical locations, such as bones or kidneys...
Allen (1876) first described the species with a narrow muzzle with long pointed nasal bones composed of premaxillae, maxillae, and nasals, with tubular orbits composed of frontals, lacrimals and jugals without preorbital vacuities in the skull. Pelage of the head, neck, shoulders, and front...
Stephens says, “You are using 95 percent of the animal.” The hide can be harvested at certain times of the year to produce thick leather. The buffalo’s horns, skull, bones and hooves also can be salvaged for artistic uses. Even the stomach and...
Bison Ribeye Steaks are here and ready for your grill! Your guests will marvel at the rich flavor of grass-fed bison ribeye, a rare delicacy. These steaks weigh in at 8 ounces each, and average 1.25-1.5 inches thick.
Bison Bone Broth Bones $4.00 Quick View Petite Tenderloin Steaks 4-8oz $28.00 Quick View Bison Tenderloin Steaks 8-12oz $32.00 Sold Out Quick View Ground Bison Burger 1# $13.50 Sold Out Quick View Bison Medium Roast, 3-4lbs $29.00 ...
(the site was discovered in 1908), marked the first association in the Americas of man-made artifacts with the bones of megafauna from thePleistocene Epoch(about 2,600,000 to 11,700 years ago); until this discovery, scholarlyconsensushad held that humans did not reach the Americas until ...