#1 in Bismarck, ND Metro Area High Schools #1 in Bismarck 1 High Schools 93.74 SCORECARD Took at Least One AP® Exam63% Passed at Least One AP® Exam46% Mathematics Proficiency44% Reading Proficiency64% Science Proficiency66% Graduation Rate96% Exclusive Webinar AO Advic...
In November of 2012, the City of Bismarck placed a $90-million expansion of the Bismarck Civic Center on the election ballot; at that time, the City was also pursuing a 250-room full-service hotel to be located adjacent to the center. The project was not approved and the two hotel deve...
This study assesses the relative influence of an active warm rain process on precipitation development, especially hail formation, in a group of cells in numerical simulations of the 28 June 1989 case from the North Dakota Thunderstorm Project (NDTP), using the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences' ...