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Enno Bunger - Bis eine:r weint. Solo am Klavier 2月 26日 • 周三 • 19:30 • 2025 Kulturkirche Neuruppin, Neuruppin, Neuruppin, 德国 收藏 USD ZH 销售 我的门票 登录 STAGEGENERAL ADMISSIONSTAGE GENERAL ADMISSIONSTAGE筛选 2 张票 价格...
The structure exhibits a two-connected phosphorus atom. The short P = N multiple bond (154.5 pm) indicates a 3pπ(P)—2pπ(Ν) interaction. The N–P–N angle was found to be 108.4°.SiegfriedFakultätPohlFakultätDe GruyterZeitschrift für Naturforschung B...
Bis(trimethylsilyl)aminoDerivativesUnexpectedly the reaction of SbCl3 with Na(N{SiMe3}2) in a 1:3 molar ratio forms MeSb(N{SiMe3}2)2, I, (Me = CH3) and other trimethylsilyl compounds. The colourless and liquid methylstibane derivative I is monomeric in solution and forms MeSbCl2(...
The method includes obtaining a cyclic α-N protected active amino ester and adding it to a mixture of an amine catalyst in an organic solvent.John J. FreemanOtto PhanstielWilliam Elliot BayKelly Sullivan Kraft
In explorations of synthesis and chemistry of spiroheterocycles, we found that reaction of aromatic nitrile oxydes with methylene γ-butyrolactones (at room temperature) produced spiroheterocycles 4, 5 and 6. When cycloadditions were carried out in refluxing toluene, the methylene(5H)furan-2-one...
doi:10.1515/bgsl.2011.020WerleDirkWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KGBtrge Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache Und Literatur