因此,BIS 将该技术认定为符合ECRA第1758节定义的技术,通过在 CCL 中添加新的 ECCN 3D006 来管控ECAD“软件”、“专门设计”用于“开发”具有任何 GAAFET 结构并满足ECCN 3D006中描述的参数集的集成电路。此类软件必须“专门设计”以实现 RTL 到 GDSII ...
背景:2021年10月,美国核管理委员会(NRC, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)发布EXPORT AND IMPORT OF NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL(10 CFR part 110)修改的最终规则,NRC不再管辖对非核最终用途的氘出口的许可授权,转由BIS管辖。...
Commerce Control List (“CCL”) Export Control Classification Number (“ECCN”) Reasons for Control Commerce Country Chart Classification of the Item Technology and b. Three linear axes plus one rotary axis which can be coordinated simultaneously for “contouring control” 2. Five or more axes ...
Both the product information required for the CDF (Construction Data Form) and the critical component list (CCL) (Critical Component List) must be completed precisely and concisely. Before the product test report’s expiration, all test reports for product samples must be sent to BIS. You must...
美国时间8月12日,美国商务部宣布,BIS本次识别到有四种技术符合新兴和基础技术标准,因此修订商业控制清单(Commerce Control List,以下简称CCL)以进行出口授权管控。 本次管控的四种技术及对应的ECCN是: 氧化镓 (Ga2O3) (超宽带半导体材料)、金刚石(...