Birthdayfoodaroundtheworld Findoutthemainidea Paragraph1 Theideasofthebirthdayfoodistobringgoodlucktothebirthdayperson.Paragraph2Paragraph3 Differentpeopleindifferentcountriesliketoeatdifferentfoodontheirbirthday.IttalksaboutwhatpeopleofteneatontheirbirthdayinChina.Paragraph4 PeoplehavebirthdaycakeswithcandlesinUK.1.How...
初中英语初二上 Unit2 Section B Birthday food around the world鲁教版刘学雁guess a wordbirthdaylist some things about birthdaycakebless
初中英语《Birthday Food Around the World》教学课件设计.ppt,Unit 10 Section B2b 英国在是美个国浪,漫人的们国通家常,会他吃们生庆日祝蛋生糕日,的上方面式插虽着然蜡也烛是,吃代蛋表糕着,自但糕己是的这年个龄蛋。糕他又们很还“会与许众不愿同,”许。完他愿们后
classmates.••Improveyourwritingandsha22初中英语《Birthday-Food-Around-the-World》教学课件设计23Unit10Section B2bUnit10SectionB2b24英国在是美个国浪,漫人的们国通家常,会他吃们生庆日祝蛋生糕日,的上方面式插虽着然蜡也烛是,吃代蛋表糕着,自但糕己是的这年个龄蛋。糕他又们很还“会与许众不愿同...
阅读课Birthday food around the world PPT 1 Whenisyourbirthday?Whatdoyoueatonyourbirthday?Whatdoyouoftendoonyourbirthday?2 1.haveaparty2.invitefriendstotheparty3.shows4.sing“HappyBirthdaytoyou”
Birthday Food Around the World 1 2 3 4 Paragraph __ People have birthday cakes with candles in many countries. Paragraph __ Different countries like to eat different food on their birthday. Paragraph __ All the birthday foods bring good luck to the birthday person. Paragraph __ In China, ...
阅读课Birthdayfoodaroundtheworld-PPT课件 格式:PPT 页数:19 上传日期:2019-07-25 21:08:23 浏览次数:254 下载积分:2800 加入阅读清单 还剩18 页未读,是否继续阅读? 此文档由 dfgdsfg 分享于 2019-07-25 请拖动滑块继续阅读 不看了,直接下载 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 24 p. 文献阅读课件...
初中英语《Birthday-Food-Around-the-World》教学ppt课件设计 热度: 初中英语_Birthday Food Around the World教学课件设计 热度: birthdayfood formalloverthe world Catalog CHINA RUSSIA JAPAN ITALY KEAOR GERMANG INDIA THEU.K. FINLAND 习惯把六十作为祝寿的起点,民间有“不到花甲不庆寿”的说法。人们把六十岁...
24 1. around the world = all over the world (全世界) 2. the number of … …的数量 (谓语动词用三单式) a number of … 许多;大量 (谓语动词用复数形式) 3. blow out 吹灭 cut up 切碎}(动词+副词)用法:代词放中间 4. in one go = at one go (一口气,一次性) 5. wish to do sth. ...