Send on-the-go greetings for birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and more! Choose the perfect birthday greeting from our collection of 1000+ one-of-a-kind eCards! Birthday Cards Let your husband, wife or partner know how much they mean with an online anniversary greeting card!
Deliver a smile right on time with customizable online birthday cards you can schedule or send instantly via email, text, or link.
Say happy birthday with personalized eCards & videos from JibJab. Browse our selection, customize your message & send funny birthday greeting cards online!
Make any man's day with creative and customizable birthday cards for him. Send instantly via email, text, or link, or schedule in advance.
Postable will send the birthday card directly to your recipient via snail mail. It’s not too late! Deliriously stylish birthday cards from noted designers. No corny birthday cards here. Postable’s entire birthday card selection is brought to you by the most talented independent designers in...
(5) Kids and old people often use e-cards. ( ) 2. Read the text and answer the questions. (1) How do you send birthday greetings to others?(2) Do you think e-cards will take the place of paper cards completely in the future? Why or why not?相关...
A birthday card is a perfect way to send your wishes to your friends or family members. Several printable and editable birthday card templates are available for you to create your own personalized card. These birthday cards with different styles will save you time and money. Some of them ...
阅读下面短People send birthday greetings by using cards in both eastern and western countries.It is not known when and where exactly the tradition of sending birthday cards began. It is believed that it began in England in the early nineteenth century. In those days people sent birthday cards ...
A quality selection of Birthday eCards, Anniversary cards and other greeting cards to suit any occasion. Send an instant eCard to your friends and family with
· Send your birthday card on the go: You can send it straight to their letterbox or back to you to sign (if you choose this option we’ll pop in an extra envelope). · Send personalised cards anywhere in the world: We’ve got delivery options to suit you, whether you need it to...