for my husbands 40th, we had a wake. we said goodbye to his youth. we bought a coffin (halloween cardboard) and put momentos and pictures in it. we had a picture board of him. everyone wore black and had tissues. some guests stood up and talked about him as if he was not there....
Show your favourite 50-year-old some serious love on their big 5-0 with these funny, sweet, and cheeky ideas for what to write in a 50th birthday card!
lots of laughs, and friendly competition to any gathering. From shake you booty challenge that will have everyone bursting with laughter to a variety of games perfect for a large group, there’s something for everyone. Check out some of the following ideas (viaHappiness is Homemade,...
Losing a loved one is difficult and writing a birthday card can help you feel closer to them. To help, here are some of our happy heavenly birthday wishes.
ThenextdayisSaturday.Intheearlymorning,Erinseesmanyballoonsinherroom.Theyarered,yellowandblue.Thereisasmallpurpleboxandacardsays“Imsorry—Dad”.Sheopenstheboxandseesanicenecklace(项链).Dadtakesheroutforlunchandtheyplayinthepark.Erinhasgreatfun.ShethanksDadalot. Itisabadbirthdayatfirstbutitendsup(结束)gre...
Then we traveled to my mums house and I opened more cards and a few little gifts off family as my iPad was the main pressie off my family. I even got some unexpected birthday money so we headed straight to Cardiff to spend it!I will post the bits and bobs I bought in Cardiff in ...
Still, need more ideas? For even more ideas on how to have a sugar-free birthday party, take look at my Pinterest board I have set up. Sugar-Free Party Ideas. If you are new here, this page may help you get started and this page will show you what is in my pantry and kitchen ...
·Wear green, a nature or Earth Day T-shirt to help spread the word about caring for our environment. ·Make a "planet promise" to reduce your energy use and recycle. We hope you'll use some of these ideas during the week of April 22 to celebrate and give back to the Earth that ...