those born very preterm (VP <32 gestational weeks) or with very low birth weight (VLBW <1500 g) are at increased risk for long-term morbidity, for example with respect to neurocognitive impairment and psychiatric dis- orders [5–7]. Thanks to advances in neonatology, survival rates have ...
Individual control over these matters was regarded as threatening to moral values, gender hierarchies, and family security. Birth control, abortion, and certain forms of sexual behavior were, and in many countries remain, defined as crimes against morality (Cook et al., 2003). Empirical evidence ...
We used logistic regression and general linear models to analyse the data. Results Early maternal age at first birth is significantly associated with diabetes, chronic lung disease, high blood pressure, and poor physical performance in women at older ages. Parity was not independently associated with...
For example, long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) such as IUDs and hormonal implants have gotten more popular. They’re safe to use among people of all reproductive ages and they’re effective for 3-12 years. Yet, Black and Hispanic women are less likely to use such birth control ...
Born Roger Middleton in Sheffield, he trained as an actor at the Central School of Speech and Drama and spent time in repertory theatre performing the requisite wide range of parts from Shakespeare to Brecht. His first major television role was in Gangsters (1976), a controversial series ...
Early intervention — therapy and family instruction provided for children ages birth to three years old that is intended to minimize presentation of developmental delay. Early interventionist — a person who arranges for a therapist to come to the house or meet at the family at a facility for ...
However, the venoms of neonates exhibited extremely high venom potency against mice (LD50 of 0.072 mg/ kg), which was comparable to that of certain krait ven- oms [5, 10, 35]. In contrast, venoms of N. naja juve- nile (0.380 mg/kg) and adult (0.363 mg/kg) ...
they may hes~tateto openly sponsor a plan for a clln~cor an organlzatlon T h e essent~alconservatism of the med~calprofess~onIS, of course, proverbla1 and a tralt of cons~derablemerlt in those dealmg w ~ t hmatters of l ~ f eand death T h ~ cson D R R A C H E L L...
McNally, who has three other children, ages 8, 11 and 15, said that despite the risk to herself, she knew she had to help. “I guess mom- and gut-instinct. If that were my child or my husband or my family member, I would want somebody to run up if they could," she told...
Educators & Students ■ NOV/DEC 2013 GUEST EDITORIAL The Birth of Lincoln Center Education By Russell Granet, Executive Director hen I arrived at Lincoln Center a lit- tle more than a year ago, I was given the once-in-a-lifetime challenge to rethink the world's leading perform- ing arts...