Individual control over these matters was regarded as threatening to moral values, gender hierarchies, and family security. Birth control, abortion, and certain forms of sexual behavior were, and in many countries remain, defined as crimes against morality (Cook et al., 2003). Empirical evidence ...
matters+ertamly cannot glve to the patlents In a Maternal Health Clznzc Czncznnatz b ~ r t hcontrol clln~cthe wholesome a t t ~ t u d ethat all clln~csshould try to Inculcate In t h e ~ rpatlents All interviews should he taken by the same person Flrst, to assure consistent ...
they may hes~tateto openly sponsor a plan for a clln~cor an organlzatlon T h e essent~alconservatism of the med~calprofess~onIS, of course, proverbla1 and a tralt of cons~derablemerlt in those dealmg w ~ t hmatters of l ~ f eand death T h ~ cson D R R A C H E L L...
venoms of both juvenile and adultN. najabound the least to the receptors of mongooses and humans. Further, in the case of juvenile J2 and its adult female, the binding against the mongoose receptor was also similar to that of chicken
Effects differ by sex and age, and also by country of birth with the foreign-born much more likely to emigrate than the locally born.Richard FablingArthur GrimesLevente TimarIvan TurokRegional studies
2023, Frontiers in Global Women's Health Person-centered, high-quality care from a distance: A qualitative study of patient experiences of TelAbortion, a model for direct-to-patient medication abortion by mail in the United States 2022, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Men’s involv...
At Dulce, we offer a parent-led approach. We are experts in birth, but you are the expert in your body and your family. You matter and your baby matters. We’re here to support you. Experience Matters!Midwife Anita Hernandez brings over 20 years of experience! Anita and her team are ...
Table 5 The association between maternal ethnicity and homebirth at one NHS Trust 2014–2023 (n = 35,074) Full size table When comparing the proportion of births in the MLU with births in the OU (Table6), White women were more likely to birth in the MLU (25.5%) than South Asian...
Kramer MR, Hogue CR: Place matters: variation in the black/white very preterm birth rate across U.S. metropolitan areas, 2002–2004. Public Health Rep. 2008, 123 (5): 576-585. PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Bailey BA, Cole LK: Rurality and birth outcomes: findings from southern...
Correlation analyses were performed to investigate potential associations between acid-base and metabolic parameters (lactate [LAC], pH-value [pH], base-excess [BE] and bicarbonate [HCO3]) from capillary blood and NIRS-derived crSO2 and FTOE at 15 minutes after birth....