OBCOpen Building Control(Italy) OBCOn-Orbit Calibrator OBCOutrageous Builder's Club(gaming) OBCOrganização de Base Comunitária(Portuguese: Community Based Organization) OBCOostzaanse Bridge Club(Amsterdam, Netherlands) OBCOptical Bench Enclosure(NASA) ...
Schmid V: Against the odds: Italy's birth centre movement. Pract Midwife. 2005, 8: 22-24. PubMed Google Scholar David M, Pachaly J, Wiemer A, Gross MM: Out-of-hospital births in Germany–a comparison of "large", "medium", and "small" free-standing birth centres. Z Geburtshilfe ...
records, in at mathematical analysis of the relation of birth rates least the following countr~es Sweden, United and death rates to the loglstlc curve, under various States of America, France, Austna, Belgum, Den- postulates mark, England and Wales, Hungary, Italy, Nor- way, Scotland, ...
Medical records from the preterm group were consulted for the inclusion criteria. Tidal volume as an index of respiratory function was recorded prior to CPET. Measurement of Gas exchange A small, low-dead-space respiratory valve (88 ml) with a size-matched mouthpiece and headgear was used (...
This paper presents a digital image dataset of historical handwritten birth records stored in the archives of several parishes across Sweden, together with
Two years later, he formed his own record label, Little Records and continued to record regularly. During his career he also had hits in Europe and South America and had countless albums released in Italy. In 1993 he made a come-back in the cinema with a supporting part in Ken Loach's...
(Confmurd on page 21) Differential Fertility At the First Internahonal Populat~onConference IN d~scuss~oonn Professor Carr-Saunders' pap- stated that the use of Buth Control by r~chand er, representat~vesof Italy, Germany, Holland poor ahke m the c~tlews as the cause of the equahty...
These policy changes saw and increase in immigrants particularly from Greece and Italy. Today, Australia maintains its status as an ‘’Immigrant nation’’, with almost 30 percent of the population born overseas and around 50 percent of the population having both that were born overseas. ...
C a n a d a a n d F o r e l g n add 25 c e n t s postage p e r year Entered as Sceond Class Matter March 11 1 9 1 8 at the Post o6lce a t New York N Y u n d e r the Act of Mareh 3 1819 CONTENTS EDITORIAL -ITALY'S PROBLEM OVERPOPULATION By Gaetano Salvemini...
24 We assigned eligible birth records with county-level rurality and region-level SES by the addresses of delivery health facilities for each pregnant woman, as the residential addresses were unavailable in the NMNMSS. According to China’s National Health Statistical Yearbook,25 we classified ...