Cystic fibrosis birth rates in Canada: a decreasing trend since the onset of genetic testing. J Pediatr. 2005; 147 :312–315.Dupuis A, Hamilton D, Cole DE, Corey M. Cystic fibrosis birth rates in Canada: a decreasing trend since the onset of genetic testing. J Pediatr. 2005; 147 :312...
Across the globe, fertility rates have fallen noticeably since the 1960s, with the fertility rate for Asia, Europe, and the Americas being below two in 2021. As of this year, the global fertility rate was 2.31, and was by far the highest in Africa, which had a fertility rate of 4.12,...
The Global Decline in Fertility Rates Fertility rates are declining in most places. According to the UN, in 1990, the average number of births per woman globally was 3.2. By 2019, this had fallen to 2.5 births per woman; by 2050, it is expected to decline further to 2.2 births. ...
In the 1970’s, teen pregnancy was amongst the highest rates Canada has ever seen. This report also focuses on the reasons teen pregnancy is prevalent in the following provinces and the effects after the birth of the child, what factors play a role in these mothers giving birth which ...
Premature Birth Rates by Country If the U.S. is one of the most dangerous developed countries for childbirth, let’s look at how it compares to other countries, including other developed countries. Preterm birth in Canada:Around eight percent of babies are born preterm each year(4). This am...
“For high-income countries with fertility rates lower than the replacement level, the most immediate solution is liberal immigration policies,” the Lancet researchers wrote. Canada saw the highest net immigration rates in the study, along with Turkey and Sweden. Should Canada’s openness...
Teen pregnancy rates have drastically falling from a report completed in the 1970’s where the pregnancy rate amongst teen girls between the ages of 15-19 years old. In the 1970’s, teen pregnancy was amongst the highest rates Canada has ever seen. This report also focuses on the reasons ...
CANSIM Table 102-4505, Crude birth rate, age-specific and total fertility rates (live births), Canada, provinces and territories. Trends in Canadian national and provincial/territorial teen pregnancy rates: 2001-2010 Health indicators are good with Crude Birth Rate (CBR) and Crude Death Rate (...
Determinants of preterm birth rates in Canada from 1981 through 1983 and from 1992 through 1994. However, the factors underlying the increase are poorly understood.We used data from the Statistics Canada live-birth and stillbirth data bases to determine... KS Joseph,MS Kramer,S Marcoux,... -...
CIHI could learn another valuable lesson from the U.K., too, since its stated intention "to help reduce C-section rates" in Canada is linked to concerns about "higher costs." For decades, U.K. hospital staff and evensafety inspectorsblindly supportedextraneous efforts to reduce cesarean birth...