Baby Boom Echoes in Iraq; Birthrate Soars since Invasion
Birth rate answers are found in the World Factbook powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.
(per 1,000 population) Find information below about the birth rate of different countries. For more country information, please visit our extensive country index. CountryBirth Rate Niger51.60 Mali49.15Uganda47.84Afghanistan45.46Sierra Leone44.73Burkina F
Population changes in poverty, Hispanic population, and high school dropouts were the only significant measures in the final model, explaining almost half of the variance in teen birth rate changes. Conclusion: The study provides a model of census-based measures that can be used to evaluate ...
In Nepal, no protocol regarding management and timely service provision to babies born with birth defects exists except for sporadic programmes for cleft lip and palate repair or few organisations providing care to disabled children. To further accelerate the reduction of 2016 neonatal mortality rate ...
However, compared to other Arab countries, the rate was lower than that reported in Sudan (82/1000)9, but higher than the rate in Iraq (3.6/1000)5. Discrepancies in global estimates stem from the diversity of CAs and the ambiguity in case definitions and classifications2. Nonetheless, ...
With that said, certain groups in Germany may buck this trend and spur an uptick in the birth rate. Larger families are the norm in countries like Syria and Iraq. While Germany’s birth rate sits at 1.58, the rate inSyria is 2.8 and in Turkey is 1.9. Migrants from these countries may...
In India, the large number of PM2.5-associated preterm births resulted from elevated values of all input variables (the range of values for each input variable is shown in Table 2). For China, the preterm birth rate was relatively low (in the bottom quartile), but the large number of ...
Iraq represent the largest non-European immigrant group in Sweden today. The population-based MEDIM study has previously shown that a Middle Eastern immigrant population in southern Sweden has twice as high prevalence rate of T2D as compared to the native Swedish background population, and thus at...
If in 1980 the rate of births out the wedlock in the urban area was by 0.8% higher than in the rural area, since 2003 their share was reversed, registering values by 2.3% higher in the rural area, and in 2010 this indicator was by 7% higher than in the urban area. UN-2 Full co...