The meaning of BIRTH CERTIFICATE is a copy of an official record of a person's date and place of birth and parentage.
on a child’sbirth certificatethatthe mother was in prison at the time of birth. 一些发言者介 绍了本国为处理监狱中的妇女及其子女的需要而采取的措施,如“母子房”和 不得在孩子出生证上注明孩子出生时母亲在监狱。
Hisbirth certificateshows he is Barack Obama's half brother. 他的出生证明显示他是总统奥巴马的同父兄弟. 期刊摘选 Ain't got nobirth certificateon me now. 是没有任何出生证明我现在. 期刊摘选 One true copy of your child'sBirth Certificateand Immunization Record, parents ID. ...
Share on Facebook birth certificate (redirected fromBirth certificates) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia birth certificate n. An official record of the date and place of a person's birth, usually including the names of the parents. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition...
Birth Certificate Application 关于宝宝的“人生第一证”,请各位准爸爸准妈妈做好小笔记啦~分娩入院时,请准爸爸准妈妈将有效身份证件原件及复印件交给护士并配合做好夫妻双方的“人脸识别”、签署“出生医学证明领取告知书”,那可是办理宝宝...
英文:Please ensure that your birth certificate is up to date. 英文同义表达: certificate of birth:这是“出生证明”的直接同义表达,意思完全相同。 例句:He presented his certificate of birth to prove his age.(他出示了他的出生证明来证明他的年龄。) natal certificate:这个...
Birth Certificate A Dictionary of Epidemiology (6 ed.) Miquel Porta Publisher: Oxford University Press Print Publication Date: 2014 Print ISBN-13: 9780199976720 Published online: 2016 Current Online Version: 2016 eISBN: 9780199390069 Find at
Birth Certificate No.出生证号码 出生证,又称为《出生医学证明》,是依据《中华人民共和国母婴保健法》出具的,证明婴儿出生状态、血亲关系以及申报国籍、户籍取得公民身份的法定医学证明。第四章 补发与报废 第二十二条 补发《出生医学证明》只适用于1996年1月1日(边远贫困地区自1996年3月1日)...
Reliability of variables on the North Carolina birth certificate: a comparison with directly queried values from a cohort study. Trends and Variations in Smoking During Pregnancy and Low Birth Weight: Evidence From the Birth Certificate, 1990–2000...
Certificate 证券证书;证明书,证书; V. 发给……证明书 certificate n. [C] 1.证明书;执照;(没有学位的)结业证书 2.凭证,单据;证券 3.【美】流通券,纸币 v.[T] 1.发证书给;用证书批准;用证书证明 birth injuries 【医】 产伤 child birth 分娩 after birth 【医】 胞衣, 胎盘胎膜 still birt...