Birth Month Flower of November - The Chrysanthemum - Red for love, white for truth, yellow for the slightest love, but in general, the Chrysanthemum symbolizes cheerfulness and optimism. The Chr
Birth Month Flower of January - The Carnation, like the rose, is a flower associated with weddings and love. This flower rivals the rose at Valentines Day. Its beau
Birth flowers are a lovely tradition, and just like birthstones, each month of the year has a flower associated with it. This flower symbolizes the qualities of the person born in that month. Having a birth flower for each month is a tradition that started a long time ago and may be ro...
February's birth flower is theViolet, which signifies watchfulness, loyalty, and faithfulness. So give a violet to someone to let them know you'll always be there for them. The other February flower is thePrimrose, which lets someone know you can't live without them. March's birth flower ...
At one time, the carnation was used to treat fevers in Europe. In the Elizabethan era, it was used to spice wine and ale as a substitute for the more expensive clove. An essential oil can be extracted from a carnation’s flower and used for aromatherapy and perfumes. It is traditionally...
Do you know what your birth month flowers are? In addition to gemstones, every month has a birth flower; in fact, many months have two birth flowers! Here’s a list of both the primary and secondary birth flowers for January through December. ...
personality traits of people born in different months. They can also make thoughtful birthday presents because each flower has a special meaning. So, the next time you're wondering what to give someone for their birthday, consider giving them a bunch of flowers that represent their birth month....
February Birth Flower: Iris Pin The iris is the flower for those born in the month of February. Named after the Greek goddess Iris, it is said to provide a connection between heaven and earth. In ancient Greece, irises were planted on the graves of people to summon the goddess to bring...
Rose, daffodil, lily, poppy... See which flower corresponds to your birth month & what it means as a tattoo.
January Birth Flowers: Though this month falls in a cold and gloomy winter season, it seems like an unlikely time for flowers to bloom, but nature has designed flowers which love the extreme weather. The flower associated with the month is Carnation or Snowdrop and is said to symbolize love...